Techniques mafia network specializes in recordings of Ballaloud heritages including the use of assassinations with impunity.
Technique 1:
destabilize the opposing party by neighborhood disturbances. No investigation of police or gendarmerie with the network Ballaloud! Nothing has ever existed! In fact, these disorders can be detected as early practices mafia and network connections that never worried, and therefore attention from the start your life is in danger. Even if you ignore, if you make bailiff, and run a civil complaint, the Ballaloud instigate its relations with the judges in his pocket for a denial of justice or obtain decisions of convenience .
Example in my case: nuisance caused by the Divisional Inspector of Diccilec (PAF at the time) who sends his maid, a Portuguese who serves him also for many other things that the household (and it is the taxpayer who pays), causing the unrest. All complaints by the Portuguese police against me (not the police of course to hide a few) are heard by cons, if I complain, I'm following you can imagine, the troublemaker, the one responsible . The husband of the Portuguese s'aménage parking with a bulldozer on land that I just bought and waiting for me (in plain clothes inspectors also) for a fight expected by Ballaloud. For police, refusal to register my complaints, but that of the Portuguese looking for a fight, no problem. It is within his rights to live with others. Remains a bailiff and a civil trial. Once I realized the degree of compromise by the court reaches. On 3 April 1987, my lawyer, Mr. Gostin Dray, who has since been asked to go and practice elsewhere in Haute Savoie, summoned the party. J. Turk, who later will consistently 100% of decisions against me, postponed the case to May 15, 1987, without a lawyer. May 15, Master Gostin Dray respects this decision and is not at the hearing, but the Ballaloud yves is present and involved and ... ANY DECISION IS MADE BY THE TURKISH JUSTICE. DENIAL OF JUSTICE PURE AND SIMPLE. So easy to make scams haute savoie savoie for the network Ballaloud: All he can commit criminal offenses are never investigated. All complaints in civil and despite overwhelming evidence is filed without action in miscarriages of justice. So do not be surprised not to see Ballaloud, counsel for Flactifs, city or even suspected. This is more just 74 but he must speak conspiracy.
2. Technique 2: The fight.
Nothing would please the mafia network that will happen. And complicity of police and gendarmerie is total. Cross a street, causing an auto accident, cause a cafe and up to home invasions. You can always complain. Ballaloud with the network, nothing has ever existed. It is you who are paranoid. So, good advice. Look for the undercover cop who will testify against you, or beware of the trap with undercover cops, like the "fight" with Fred Vimal. It is their word to be taken into account and not yours.
3. The destruction of property.
For me it started with stones in glass cases for demolishing cars at once broken with iron bars, destruction of building with bulldozers. Do not look for the gendarmes, police, these are kids who have fun and if you want to complain, you get insulted and threatened for at least an hour before the complaint is made and no further action by the Attorney of Bonneville anyway. Do not try it yet you paranoid and destruction committed in a bull, it's snow, not malice that cause. The court was full of experts to attest to the need. You still find it in Flactifs Ballaloud and orchestrating it from within. He had a ringside seat. For cheap car rims, I also have been entitled ais in 1996 and it was still classified by the police who insulted me because I wanted to complain. If I say this as theft of the rims opens a connection with David Hotyat and should see if he had a Renault 5 cream in 1996. The theft was committed by two couples who looked like couples Hotyat Hazem and their companions. And yet it opens a connection to the Ballaloud because it shows that these couples were used for menial tasks in the network. The purpose of the theft of wheels: destabilizing and feel resistance. A well-organized intelligence visibly happy to blame the killings minions trapped by TF1 and ... the police.
4. Administrative terrorism.
What administration does not work with this network mafia? Honestly I do not know. In the liquidation phase, I was right ais systematically and with a relentless dishonesty and absolutely terrifying. More than twenty Controls up to cause an accident at work, enter a RMI .... I never thought that such administrative villainy is possible. Taxes, Urssaf, organic body, bailiffs, competition, labor inspection, police (there are more than happy to come in arms to 6 am) ... always the same impunity and malice that makes you want to vomit all over decay.
5. Prohibitions on exercise. The tab
Ballaloud. From there, you know that an assassination attempt Ballaloud can scam an accident when he wants. It will not be disturbed or even suspected. Bans exercise, it's easy when we get to the lawyer and that Urssaf more judges are in the combines, as Michael Turk, Guesdon Frank ....
6. The anonymous calls and visits son burglaries.
got a hundred before each trial, to try to intimidate you. If the police does not investigate complaints of violations in homes, public insults to provoke fights, destruction of property, you can well imagine that the anonymous calls son, she would torch completely. Ballaloud with the network is not a policeman who will be zealous saw the political protection it has. Visits apartment or workplace are also part of the intimidation before each trial. These range from simple visit to the rampage. Seek not, they are still kids at play. Who are these kids? Could they not go ransack the office of Ballaloud, Prosecutor of Bonneville, to change history a bit? That the judge who handled the case Juppe is reassuring. Loved son of the anonymous and visits his office or his computer, they were kids again ...
7. The blocking of bank accounts.
important not that you can get a lawyer outside the area of your choice. Including safe way, it makes you dry. The seizure of the RMI is used to that and you will not even legal aid. Your file is not tenable. What, after all that you are not dead yet?
8. The attempted murders disguised as accidents. You know, the family Flactif leaving for vacation without leaving an address after a disqualification. In my case, as I am a mountain guide, I got stones in the mountains and the car wheels loosened.
9. The show trials. Whatever you say and even with a concrete case, the judges care less of your mouth. Obviously it is fun and it's probably not disinterested, you can well imagine.
10. Scams court. You're still alive, you could avoid all the pitfalls of Ballaloud, then you can still defend yourself a little. Best for justice is to break your kidneys get you into a trap judiciary. You appoint agent to lure you with a charge down on "anonymous complaints" story you handcuffed in court. The French administration is an expert in forgery and forgery. So take them for what they are accomplices of mafia networks that are killing kids without any qualms. When the official is nice is that there confuses (I mean the 74 course). So be careful and on your guards.
In conclusion: This kind of organized crime with means of statement that can crush it wants, whenever she wants, as she wants. That is the paradise of equality of opportunity in areas mafia ump. The Ballaloud may hide another.