Hello everyone, today I will discuss a topic not too easy, but that affects us all at one time or another; death. From the moment we come to the world, every passing moment, death is approaching. For some it is a matter of a few years, for others it is longer, while AC depends on countless variables!
The first time I was confronted with the death I was 4, just days before Christmas 1975, my maternal grandfather died of a blood clot to the brain. Ca fesait weird in the head with a 4 year old child to see his grandfather lying in a coffin and people crying around. I realized pretty quickly that I never see him again. Being the youngest of the family, I also realized pretty quickly that AC would not be the last death that I would live my life ... some 25 deaths later, ie last year, September 10, 2009 around 8:20 in the morning, my mom, which gave me life, left us for a better world. That day, I waited a long time already. For years I dreaded that day! For over 20 years that my mom was sick, how many times she had gone to the hospital! just to tell you, the employee (Annie. ..) to the emergency room knew me by my first name! although my mother went there more often, sometimes it was my father, then it was almost like a second home! In July 2009, after another hospital stay (the last ...), the doctor tells us the terrible news: the cancer was now widespread in the best case scenario he remained two months (it was finally two months and 10 days). We decided to keep her at home was the best place to end his days. Gradually she began to languish, some days she had a small burst of energy. She weighed more than a large 90-100 lbs. C life is really weird sometimes, the woman who gave me life that was so strong, that never stopped, suddenly, she depended on us to eat, move, for everything!
For me it was terrible, to raise this little woman at once so fragile, helpless.
roles were reversed! This woman who had worked so well for me when I was little (and after too!) Now depended on me. It broke my heart, but I was still happy to be there, give him a little of everything she gave me. I still remember, in April 2009, I had the flu, my mom was already in its final months, but despite that, she had found the strength to make me chicken soup and rice, when my father came to carry me soup, then I cried, I could not believe it still, in her condition, she still thought of her children! September 9, 2009, the day before his death, I have prepared this famous chicken soup and rice, it was the first time I fesais, she ate a little, it was his last meal! In the evening, his condition deteriorated, a nurse came, gave him an injection of morphine and medicine for his lungs clear, later in the night, I gave him his last injection, before she leaves, the morning of September 10, around 8:20, already to 7am, his legs were cold ... it was already beginning to leave quietly.
9 months later, that is still fresh in my memory, the last months of his life, will remain strong in my head forever, so I will never forget the first weeks following his death, I had never seen my father cry, it's things that you are deep within you. My father has always been a man "tough", I saw him get his legs broken in an accident and not cry, the only time I saw a semblance of tears, was when he had kidney stones, it parrait it is the most acute physical pain that one can have! Then imagine seeing him weep bitterly every morning for weeks, it was attroce and painful! Life must go on, we know the moments of joy again, we spend quality time with family and friends, but the trouble comes down to heart. Memory is to remember all those people who are dear to us and are very far left, who never return. That is why we must enjoy every moment, every day, with those we love, because nobody knows the hour of his death. We must live every moment fully, as if every day was our last on this earth!
As so aptly Horace's poem: CARPE DIEM!
to all those that passed in my life,