Testify of Christ
Every day, talk about God to someone else's mission - the ministry of any Christian, any Christian: the good news to others.
Above all, Jesus was a soul winner. That's why he came to save sinners.
is why he lived and therefore it is mort_et risen, and he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples_ to make effective soul winners.
And he said to his disciples: As the Father has sent me, I also send you. Jean20: 21
You are saved (e) to save others.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and it is in the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom.10: 10
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you want to talk about him to others. This is the Testimony.
Jesus was His message to the sinners on the stock market, on street corners, the sides of mountains to the sea, among the unconverted.
He mingled with all sorts of people, they bore testimony, convinced them and won.
It's the same for every Christian and Christian times. Being like Christ means to win souls.
- His goal is our goal
- Its mission is ours
- His plan is ours
He said I came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Jean18: 37 This is why we are in this world, to bear witness to the Gospel those who do not know Christ as their Savior and Lord. He ordered
: Go into the highways and along the hedges, and those you find, compel them to come to my house to be filled. Luc14: 23
is why he lived and therefore it is mort_et risen, and he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples_ to make effective soul winners.
And he said to his disciples: As the Father has sent me, I also send you. Jean20: 21
Your Christian Life comprises two basic principles.
(1) - Your Faith - "What you believe"
(2) - Your Ministry - "What you say and do accordingly. (1) - Your Faith - "What you believe"
You are saved (e) to save others.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and it is in the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom.10: 10
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you want to talk about him to others. This is the Testimony.
Jesus was His message to the sinners on the stock market, on street corners, the sides of mountains to the sea, among the unconverted.
He mingled with all sorts of people, they bore testimony, convinced them and won.
It's the same for every Christian and Christian times. Being like Christ means to win souls.
- His goal is our goal
- Its mission is ours
- His plan is ours
He said I came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Jean18: 37 This is why we are in this world, to bear witness to the Gospel those who do not know Christ as their Savior and Lord. He ordered
: Go into the highways and along the hedges, and those you find, compel them to come to my house to be filled. Luc14: 23
We absolutely can not remain silent as to what Christ did for us.
While anyone is in Christ is a new creature and God entrusted the ministry of reconciliation. All Christians, individually, the ministry of reconciling people to God through Christ. All become soul winners - regardless of ethnicity, skin color, nationality or sex.
Whoever receives, shares.
Becoming Christian or Christian, you become a witness, evangelist, missionary, representative (s) of God.
That Christianity deeply!
TL Osborn
While anyone is in Christ is a new creature and God entrusted the ministry of reconciliation. All Christians, individually, the ministry of reconciling people to God through Christ. All become soul winners - regardless of ethnicity, skin color, nationality or sex.
Whoever receives, shares.
Becoming Christian or Christian, you become a witness, evangelist, missionary, representative (s) of God.
That Christianity deeply!
TL Osborn
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