For expiating your prayers, you must base your faith on the fact that Christ gave His life in order that you request.
You do not claim healing simply because you do good and go to church, or because you have suffered a lot and that your family needs you, or because you want to work for God.
See your healing is part of your redemption. Understand that health is already paid to your account. And above all, realize that Christ suffered for you heal.
disease comes from the devil. ( Job.2: 7 - Luc.13: 11.16 - Act.10: 38 )
is a curse. ( Deut.28 :15-18; Gal.3: 13 ). This is not a natural thing. It kills. She came because Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden.
The disease does not come from God but from the enemy.
When God redeemed us, salvation provided by Christ included the deliverance from sin and its consequences. The disease is a consequence of sin in the human race. ( Ps.103: 3 )
By taking responsibility for our sins to take away from us, ( 1Pier.2: 24 ). Christ also took our sicknesses and removed them from us. ( Es.53 :4-5).
He suffered for us.
He redeemed us.
He has delivered us in bearing the punishment we deserved. ( Rom.5: 8; 6:6)
We deserved to die in our sins. Christ died for us, because God hath made to be sin for us. ( 2Cor.5: 21 )
We were prey to the disease. Christ removed this scourge from our pain and suffering, and by His stripes we have been healed. ( Es.53 :4-5)
Make Christ's death alone argument_votre your only reason to claim a blessing.
because he paid such a price to give you the blessings and gifts you need, no other argument does not count.
Need seven blessings essential. The nature of God provides through the redemptive work of Christ.
TL Osborn
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