A true Christian is the result of a miracle. He is born again of the Holy Spirit. It allowed the water of the Word and the Spirit of Christ to cleanse, deliver, transform it (John 3; Eph. 5.25; Rom. 8, 1 Cor. 6.9-12) . He was given the power to become children of God by receiving Christ and believing fully in the power of His name (John 1:12, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, Heb. 7.25). He fully believes in the resurrection of Christ with his heart and confess their faith publicly with his mouth. He asked that Jesus Christ is the Lord of every area of his life and he wants to practice all the Word of Christ (Rom. 10.9-13; Matt. 10.32-33, 7.12-28). By his sincere love for Christ and the manifestation of that love by obeying His commandments, he went into a wonderful relationship with the Father and the Son (14.15-20). Eternal life is assured to him by such a relationship with God (John 17.3).
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