Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Things To Say On A Bachelorette Card


Denarius (currency)
The denarius, the Latin denarius, was one of the currencies basic monetary system of the Roman Empire . It was a silver coin, weighing about 3 to 4 g of each era. The term denier survived the fall of the Roman Empire and continued to be used in the Carolingian era to French Revolution under the monetary system book-penny-farthing in use in the Old regime. The Denarius is also the currency causing the Dinar, still used today in Europe in Serbia since 1920 and in many countries of the Maghreb and middle east.

The "denarius" or denier of money is created 212 BC. AD to finance the Second Punic War which opposed the ancient Rome to Carthage between 218 and 201 BC .
In the new bimetallic monetary system put in place, "denarius" silver title at 950 ‰ which now rubs the mint bronze classic as the ace and subdivisions (seeding, trienes, the quadrants, the Sextans, an ounce ...)
Equivalences between Roman coins (1st half of the second century av.J .- C.)
Denier = 1 / 25 Aureus
Sesterce = 1 / 4 denier
Ace = 1 / 16 denier

At that time, the issuance of currency was under the responsibility of a committee of three judges monetary ( "tresviri monetalis" body "vigintisevirat). These officials, renewed annually, very quickly the currency used as a promotional tool by placing their name. Under the Empire, only bronze coins escape the control of the Emperor Augustus but after, no more money will only refer to monetary magistrates.
In terms of specifications, the silver denarius experienced little change during this period both in terms of its weight (in its creation to 212 BC. The penny weighs 4.51 grams then, around 140 BC, it is devalued and its weight goes to 3.96 grams) than its title silver (950 ° / oo). Indeed, its value was based solely on its weight and metal content precious.
In the third century, the denarius was gradually supplanted from Caracalla, a new currency, the antoninianus , a theoretical value of two pence

Good Things To Say On A Bachelorette Card


Denarius (currency)
The denarius, the Latin denarius, was one of the currencies basic monetary system of the Roman Empire . It was a silver coin, weighing about 3 to 4 g of each era. The term denier survived the fall of the Roman Empire and continued to be used in the Carolingian era to French Revolution under the monetary system book-penny-farthing in use in the Old regime. The Denarius is also the currency causing the Dinar, still used today in Europe in Serbia since 1920 and in many countries of the Maghreb and middle east.

The "denarius" or denier of money is created 212 BC. AD to finance the Second Punic War which opposed the ancient Rome to Carthage between 218 and 201 BC .
In the new bimetallic monetary system put in place, "denarius" silver title at 950 ‰ which now rubs the mint bronze classic as the ace and subdivisions (seeding, trienes, the quadrants, the Sextans, an ounce ...)
Equivalences between Roman coins (1st half of the second century av.J .- C.)
Denier = 1 / 25 Aureus
Sesterce = 1 / 4 denier
Ace = 1 / 16 denier

At that time, the issuance of currency was under the responsibility of a committee of three judges monetary ( "tresviri monetalis" body "vigintisevirat). These officials, renewed annually, very quickly the currency used as a promotional tool by placing their name. Under the Empire, only bronze coins escape the control of the Emperor Augustus but after, no more money will only refer to monetary magistrates.
In terms of specifications, the silver denarius experienced little change during this period both in terms of its weight (in its creation to 212 BC. The penny weighs 4.51 grams then, around 140 BC, it is devalued and its weight goes to 3.96 grams) than its title silver (950 ° / oo). Indeed, its value was based solely on its weight and metal content precious.
In the third century, the denarius was gradually supplanted from Caracalla, a new currency, the antoninianus , a theoretical value of two pence

Diamo Velocity Scooter

PORTUGAL: Independent country for almost 900 years!

Small summary of the history of Independence from Portugal!

independent country, Portugal!!

In 1096, Alfonso VI of Leon, to improve the defense of the Iberian Peninsula and its recovery toward Muslims, decided to entrust Galicia (north) and "Terra Portucalense (south) at both beautiful son.

Galicia will be governed by Count Raymond of Burgundy (who married the oldest daughter of Alfonso VI, Urraca).

The Terra Portucalense "will be governed by Count Henrique of Burgundy, cousin Raymond, a direct descendant of Louis Capet and married the youngest daughter of Afonso VI, Teresa (illegitimate daughter).

The Terra Portucalense "their is granted by Alfonso VI under the conditions do not attempt to conquer the lands to the north (Galicia) and can only conquer land in the South, then in the hands of the Saracens. Importantly, this concession of territory was given as Portucalense hereditary, before returning to the legitimate descendants of the latter.

In 1109, after the birth of three daughters born Dom Afonso Henriques (the first king of Portugal), Afonso
Named in honor of his grandfather Alfonso VI of Leon and Henriques mean "son of Henrique" .

Parents of Afonso Henriques, although they directed the "Terra Portucalense" with enough autonomy, have never charged for acts of insubordination or revolt against Alfonso VI, they always took decisions with agreement of the latter.

In 1109, Afonso VI was the great unifier of northern peninsular kingdoms, emperor of Leon, Castile and Galicia (including Terra Portucalense).

1112, death of Count Henrique of Burgundy, Teresa takes over and manages only the "Terra Portucalense.

1125, Dom Afonso Henriques Knight arming himself in the cathedral of Zamora (Spain).

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1126, the beginning of the reign of Alfonso VII of Castile and Leon, direct cousin of Afonso Henriques.

1127, feeling the hot soup, Afonso VII besieged Guimaraes (Afonso Henriques hometown) so that his cousin testified that he is still his vassal, and must always be submitted to him (Ha Ha HA!), what the right arm of Afonso Henriques promises! (Yes, what fish!), So by diplomacy a stinging defeat is avoided.

1128, Battle of Sao Mamede, south of Guimaraes, the first time that Afonso Henriques is the head of his army, he was 18, first movement of revolt against his own mother, whom he brilliantly defeated. It becomes, having defeated his mother and the leader of men "condade Portucalense. Among the nobles who were with him in the first significant victory, he There were several Da Silva, who now only wanted one thing, the independence of Portugal!! Afonso Henriques, had put his mother in prison.

1131, Coimbra became the new capital, according to Guimaraes.

1131/1140, five attempts to invade the north of Galicia, without success.

1137, Afonso Henriques sign the pact with Tui Afonso VII, basically, the two should no longer attempt to invade the lands of the other (hahahaha!)

1139, famous battle of Ourique, Afonso Henriques after several attempts to the north, is now looking to conquer the south, was a legendary battle, according to several historians, our king fought against 5 kings Moors, a battle of 40,000 men, even the morning of the battle, Christ appeared to be Afonso Henriques and promised him victory against the infidels if he put his cross on his shield, (the blue crowns on our national flag). Finally it was a decisive victory of the Portuguese side. Following this battle, from 1140 Afonso Henriques began to use the title King of Portugal.

1142, attempted unsuccessfully to conquer Lisbon.
(Lisbon, a city that batit Odysseus himself! Hence the ancient name of ULYSIPO = = Lissabon Lisbon)

1143, conference of Zamora, or the Afonso Henriques Afonso VII recognizes as king, although he still does not recognize the independence of Portugal. That same year, Afonso Henriques sends a letter to the Pope confirming that became his vassal, and he will give each year an amount of gold against its protection and bénédiction.Le Pope replied in 1144, accepting gold and become his vassal, while avoiding to confirm its independence. (not the crazy pope, he did not want to antagonize Afonso VII, which also paid tribute in gold!)

1147 Finally the conquest Lisbonne.Le siege lasted six months and thanks to the help of the Crusaders who passed through, Afonso Henriques conquered definitively what would become the capital of Portugal, for help against the Crusaders had a chance of huge cost in gold and land but it was the price!

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1156, Afonso VII (who died in 1157) treated as equals with Afonso Henriques.

1158-1167 Afonso Henriques continues to conquer the land southward.

1169, Loss of Badajoz (Spain, criss he could not stay home!) Grosse defeat the cons English troops of Fernando II, who took him prisoner Afonso Henriques, her own stepfather, being married to his fille.Mais, some say, by lack of balls or love for his wife, Fernando Henriques Afonso II freed from prison. In this battle, Portugal could have simply return to being a mere province English (EURK!) And the beautiful dream of independence s'aurait finished! Even today many historians accuse Spaniards Don fernandoi its greatest weakness! (I like that hurts!)

This was the last battle of Afonso Henriques, at age 60 he became disabled because he was wounded in addition to his horse which fell above also result in an injury, his leg was broken in several places.

After this crushing defeat, Afonso Henriques forsworn the English conquered the land, in addition to pay 15 mules loaded with gold and give 20 of his best horses, but it was little compared to our independence was preserved and still continues 837 years later!

1170, Afonso Henriques knighted his son Don Sancho, who became the 2nd king of Portugal (who finally conquered the south of Portugal, Algarve)

1171 attempt to conquer Santarem by the Saracens, which fails.

1178 Papal Bull, "manifests probatum, which finally recognized the independence of the Kingdom of Portugal!

1179 will of Afonso Henriques, leaving mostly a lot of gold for the construction of monasteries and religious centers for culture and the construction of a fleet to defend the coasts of the young kingdom.

1185 Death of Afonso Henriques 1, December 6, Coimbra where he is buried in the Church of Santa Cruz with his wife, Queen Mafalda, in front of them, their son, Don Sancho, who assured the continuity of the kingdom and transmitted to future generations the work policy than initiate his father.

text translated and annotated by Jean-Paul Da Silva, this Monday, August 21, 2006

Bibliography: Biography of Afonso Henriques, Diogo Freitas do Amaral

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Diamo Velocity Scooter

PORTUGAL: Independent country for almost 900 years!

Small summary of the history of Independence from Portugal!

independent country, Portugal!!

In 1096, Alfonso VI of Leon, to improve the defense of the Iberian Peninsula and its recovery toward Muslims, decided to entrust Galicia (north) and "Terra Portucalense (south) at both beautiful son.

Galicia will be governed by Count Raymond of Burgundy (who married the oldest daughter of Alfonso VI, Urraca).

The Terra Portucalense "will be governed by Count Henrique of Burgundy, cousin Raymond, a direct descendant of Louis Capet and married the youngest daughter of Afonso VI, Teresa (illegitimate daughter).

The Terra Portucalense "their is granted by Alfonso VI under the conditions do not attempt to conquer the lands to the north (Galicia) and can only conquer land in the South, then in the hands of the Saracens. Importantly, this concession of territory was given as Portucalense hereditary, before returning to the legitimate descendants of the latter.

In 1109, after the birth of three daughters born Dom Afonso Henriques (the first king of Portugal), Afonso
Named in honor of his grandfather Alfonso VI of Leon and Henriques mean "son of Henrique" .

Parents of Afonso Henriques, although they directed the "Terra Portucalense" with enough autonomy, have never charged for acts of insubordination or revolt against Alfonso VI, they always took decisions with agreement of the latter.

In 1109, Afonso VI was the great unifier of northern peninsular kingdoms, emperor of Leon, Castile and Galicia (including Terra Portucalense).

1112, death of Count Henrique of Burgundy, Teresa takes over and manages only the "Terra Portucalense.

1125, Dom Afonso Henriques Knight arming himself in the cathedral of Zamora (Spain).

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1126, the beginning of the reign of Alfonso VII of Castile and Leon, direct cousin of Afonso Henriques.

1127, feeling the hot soup, Afonso VII besieged Guimaraes (Afonso Henriques hometown) so that his cousin testified that he is still his vassal, and must always be submitted to him (Ha Ha HA!), what the right arm of Afonso Henriques promises! (Yes, what fish!), So by diplomacy a stinging defeat is avoided.

1128, Battle of Sao Mamede, south of Guimaraes, the first time that Afonso Henriques is the head of his army, he was 18, first movement of revolt against his own mother, whom he brilliantly defeated. It becomes, having defeated his mother and the leader of men "condade Portucalense. Among the nobles who were with him in the first significant victory, he There were several Da Silva, who now only wanted one thing, the independence of Portugal!! Afonso Henriques, had put his mother in prison.

1131, Coimbra became the new capital, according to Guimaraes.

1131/1140, five attempts to invade the north of Galicia, without success.

1137, Afonso Henriques sign the pact with Tui Afonso VII, basically, the two should no longer attempt to invade the lands of the other (hahahaha!)

1139, famous battle of Ourique, Afonso Henriques after several attempts to the north, is now looking to conquer the south, was a legendary battle, according to several historians, our king fought against 5 kings Moors, a battle of 40,000 men, even the morning of the battle, Christ appeared to be Afonso Henriques and promised him victory against the infidels if he put his cross on his shield, (the blue crowns on our national flag). Finally it was a decisive victory of the Portuguese side. Following this battle, from 1140 Afonso Henriques began to use the title King of Portugal.

1142, attempted unsuccessfully to conquer Lisbon.
(Lisbon, a city that batit Odysseus himself! Hence the ancient name of ULYSIPO = = Lissabon Lisbon)

1143, conference of Zamora, or the Afonso Henriques Afonso VII recognizes as king, although he still does not recognize the independence of Portugal. That same year, Afonso Henriques sends a letter to the Pope confirming that became his vassal, and he will give each year an amount of gold against its protection and bénédiction.Le Pope replied in 1144, accepting gold and become his vassal, while avoiding to confirm its independence. (not the crazy pope, he did not want to antagonize Afonso VII, which also paid tribute in gold!)

1147 Finally the conquest Lisbonne.Le siege lasted six months and thanks to the help of the Crusaders who passed through, Afonso Henriques conquered definitively what would become the capital of Portugal, for help against the Crusaders had a chance of huge cost in gold and land but it was the price!

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1156, Afonso VII (who died in 1157) treated as equals with Afonso Henriques.

1158-1167 Afonso Henriques continues to conquer the land southward.

1169, Loss of Badajoz (Spain, criss he could not stay home!) Grosse defeat the cons English troops of Fernando II, who took him prisoner Afonso Henriques, her own stepfather, being married to his fille.Mais, some say, by lack of balls or love for his wife, Fernando Henriques Afonso II freed from prison. In this battle, Portugal could have simply return to being a mere province English (EURK!) And the beautiful dream of independence s'aurait finished! Even today many historians accuse Spaniards Don fernandoi its greatest weakness! (I like that hurts!)

This was the last battle of Afonso Henriques, at age 60 he became disabled because he was wounded in addition to his horse which fell above also result in an injury, his leg was broken in several places.

After this crushing defeat, Afonso Henriques forsworn the English conquered the land, in addition to pay 15 mules loaded with gold and give 20 of his best horses, but it was little compared to our independence was preserved and still continues 837 years later!

1170, Afonso Henriques knighted his son Don Sancho, who became the 2nd king of Portugal (who finally conquered the south of Portugal, Algarve)

1171 attempt to conquer Santarem by the Saracens, which fails.

1178 Papal Bull, "manifests probatum, which finally recognized the independence of the Kingdom of Portugal!

1179 will of Afonso Henriques, leaving mostly a lot of gold for the construction of monasteries and religious centers for culture and the construction of a fleet to defend the coasts of the young kingdom.

1185 Death of Afonso Henriques 1, December 6, Coimbra where he is buried in the Church of Santa Cruz with his wife, Queen Mafalda, in front of them, their son, Don Sancho, who assured the continuity of the kingdom and transmitted to future generations the work policy than initiate his father.

text translated and annotated by Jean-Paul Da Silva, this Monday, August 21, 2006

Bibliography: Biography of Afonso Henriques, Diogo Freitas do Amaral

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Volvo Wheels Interchangeable

Maurice Richard (1) Financial Crises

Go see this beautiful video tribute to the legend that was Maurice Rocket Richard!



Volvo Wheels Interchangeable

Maurice Richard (1) Financial Crises

Go see this beautiful video tribute to the legend that was Maurice Rocket Richard!



Magnifiers For Macular Degeneration


Here are some quotes from famous people about the global economy, banks, how is actually directed the finances of the world ......

George HW Bush, 1992Si the People had the slightest idea of what we did, we would drag the street and lynch us.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913-1921Je am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the private sector. The growth of our nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst governments in the civilized world led one of the most controlled and dominated, not by conviction and vote of the majority but by the opinion and the strength of a small group of dominant men .

Louis McFadden, MP 1934Nous have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I mean the U.S. central bank. This institution has impoverished citizens of the United States and almost led our government into bankruptcy. All this is due to fraudulent practices of the vultures who control this situation. A super state run by bankers and industrialists who associate with international pleasure to enslave the world.

Wright Patman, Democrat member of Congress 1976président 1928-committee of the Bank and the Mint 1963-1975Je've never seen anyone who could, with logic and reason, justify the federal government borrows to use his own money. .. I think the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I think the time will come in this country where they will accuse us, you, me, and anyone connected to the Congress, to be sat idly by and allowing a system too stupid to be perpetuated.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor (1769-1821) When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, it is the latter, not the government leaders who control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that receives. [...] The money has no motherland; financiers have no patriotism and lack of decency, their sole objective is winning.

James A. Garfield, President of the United States 1881 assassinéCelui that controls the volume of currency in our country is absolute master of all industry and all trade ... and when you realize that the whole system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a very small elite of powerful, you will not need that explains how periods of inflation and deflation appear.

Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States to 1864 de1860 assassinéLe government should create, issue and circulate all currency and all necessary funds to meet government spending and the purchasing power of consumers. By adopting these principles, the taxpayers would save huge sums of money in interest. Privilege create and issue money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is also its greatest opportunity.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913 - 1921Certains of the greatest men of the United States in the field of trade and production, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so coherent, so complete, so pervasive .. . They do well, when they speak, speak gently.

William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of CanadaJusqu'à that control the issuance of currency and credit is restored to Government and recognized its responsibility as the most flagrant and most sacred, any talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy is idle and futile ... Once a nation gives up control of its funds, it no longer makes its laws ... Usury once in control, runs any nation.

LenineLe surest way to overthrow an existing social order is to corrupt the currency

Rothschild Brothers of LondonLes few people who understand the system (money and credits) will either be so interested in the profits it generates, is so dependent he favors designs, there will no opposition in this class. On the other hand, people unable to grasp the immense benefit from the system by capital bear their burdens without complaint and perhaps without even noticing that the system does not serve their interests

David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission 1991Nous are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been exposed the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to enter a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination of past centuries.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) It is significant that the people of this nation does not understand anything in the banking and monetary system, for if this were the case, I think we would face a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) The youth who can solve the money question will do more for the world than all the armies of history

Henry Makow, Writer canadienLes Illuminati bankers rule the world through debt is the money created from nothing. They need to rule the world to ensure that no country falter or attempts to overthrow him. As long as private banks rather than governments, will monitor the creation of money, the human race is doomed. These bankers and their allies have bought everything and everyone.

Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in Economics 1988 by gasoline, money creation ex nihilo practiced by the banks is similar, I hesitate not to say that people understand what is at stake here, in the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punished by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different

mechanics of modern money, Federal Reserve Bank of ChicagoLe actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks. bankers found they could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay, or bank notes to the borrowers. In this way banks began to create money. Deposits transaction are the modern counterparts of banknotes. It was a small step to print the tickets on the books crediting deposits of borrowers, the borrowers in turn could "spend" by checks, "thereby printing" their own money.

John Kenneth Galbraith, économisteLe process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is disgusted

Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada 1934-54Chaque time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created. Brand new money.

John Adams, founding father of the Constitution américaineToute perplexity, confusion, and distress in America comes not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation or the desire of honor or virtue, but of our profound ignorance of the nature of currency, credit, and circulation.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Father of Independence U.S. UnisL'incapacité for settlers to obtain the power to issue their own money away from the hands of George III and the international bankers was the reason MAIN war of independence.

Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875 The recurring problem over the centuries and which will be settled sooner or later is the conflict between the People to banks.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Governor of Bank of England, 1920. The bankers own the earth. If you want to keep their slaves and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let them continue to create money.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England 1928-1941 (2nd Renowned wealth of England at that time) The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. This process may be the turn of the most amazing dexterity that was ever invented. The bank was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take them, but leave them the power to create money and a round of hands they will create enough money to buy it back. Remove them this power, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and it would be beneficial because then we would have a better and happier. But if you still want to be slaves of banks and pay the price of your own slavery let so bankers continue to create money and control credit.

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) Money is a new form of slavery, it differs from the old simply by the fact it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave.

Phillip A. Benson, President of the Association American Bankers' Association, June 8 1939Il no better way to take control of a nation to lead its system of credit (money).

Andrew Gause, historian monnaieUne thing to realize about our fractional reserve system is such that in a game of musical chairs, as long as the music turns, there are no losers.

Irving Fisher, economist and auteurAinsi our national average is now trading at the transaction thank you lending banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not.

John Swinton, former chief of staff of The New York Times, in a speech to his colleagues journalistes.Le the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie without reservation, to pervert, to vilify, to grovel at the feet of Mammon and to sell his country and his race to earn his daily bread. You know as I know, so who can speak of an independent press? We are the puppets and vassals of rich men behind the scene ..... They pull the strings ... AND WE DANCE

Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974), aviateurLe financial system has become the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve Board). The central bank manages a financial system with a group of pure profiteers. This system is private and its only purpose is to make the most enormous profits possible using other people's money. This law (Federal Reserve) shows the greatest proof of confidence in the world. When the President signs this act, it legalizes the invisible government by the monetary power. People did not perceive, may not account for the moment but the day of reckoning is only a few years, the day of Judgement This act is the worst crime of all time in the name of the law through a bill.

Marriner S. Eccles, Governor and Chairman of the Board of FedS'il there was no debt in the system, there would be no money.

Encyclopædia Britannica, 14th EditionLes banks create credit. It is a mistake to believe that bank credit is created to any extent by the payment of money to banks. A loan created by the bank is a significant addition to the volume of money in the community.

american's have been BulletinNous Communisis: production must be regulated ruthlessly compared to consumption or .... fraud in bank credit to the detriment of the public will be revealed.

Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager, Fed, Atlanta, GéorgieSi banks create synthetic enough money, we prosper or we sink into poverty. We are definitely, without a permanent money system. When you have a complete view of all, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but it is so.

1924 U.S. Banker's Association magazineThe Capital must protect itself in every way possible, through coalition and legislation. Debts must be collected and mortgages banned as soon as possible. When ordinary people lose their homes through the process of the law, they become more docile and can more easily be directed through the strong arm of the government represented by the major financial players and a power plant due to wealth. These truths are well known to our key stakeholders that now apply to create an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we handle them so they spend all their energy for problems having no importance. So with a discrete action that we will guarantee the sustainability of what we planned and performed so well.

Kenneth Boulding, économisteToute who believes that exponential growth can continue forever (infinite) in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.

Albert A. Bartlett, physicienLa greater impairment of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.

Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) sociologueSeuls small secrets need protection. Large are kept secret by public incredulity.

Reginald McKenna, former Chairman of the Bank of England MilieuJ'ai am afraid the ordinary citizen would not like to be told that banks can create money, and do ... . And those who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of the government and bear the palm of their hands the destiny of the people.

Adolf HitlerLa most of the population easier to believe a big lie than a small one. What luck for rulers that men do not think.

Mahatma GandhiVous participate in a Machiavellian system more effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. Such a system not worthy of allegiance. Obedience to this system is equivalent to join in hell. An intelligent person will resist with all his soul to this diabolical system.

Art. 35 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1793Quand the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred and most indispensable of duties.

Magnifiers For Macular Degeneration


Here are some quotes from famous people about the global economy, banks, how is actually directed the finances of the world ......

George HW Bush, 1992Si the People had the slightest idea of what we did, we would drag the street and lynch us.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913-1921Je am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the private sector. The growth of our nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst governments in the civilized world led one of the most controlled and dominated, not by conviction and vote of the majority but by the opinion and the strength of a small group of dominant men .

Louis McFadden, MP 1934Nous have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I mean the U.S. central bank. This institution has impoverished citizens of the United States and almost led our government into bankruptcy. All this is due to fraudulent practices of the vultures who control this situation. A super state run by bankers and industrialists who associate with international pleasure to enslave the world.

Wright Patman, Democrat member of Congress 1976président 1928-committee of the Bank and the Mint 1963-1975Je've never seen anyone who could, with logic and reason, justify the federal government borrows to use his own money. .. I think the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I think the time will come in this country where they will accuse us, you, me, and anyone connected to the Congress, to be sat idly by and allowing a system too stupid to be perpetuated.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor (1769-1821) When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, it is the latter, not the government leaders who control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that receives. [...] The money has no motherland; financiers have no patriotism and lack of decency, their sole objective is winning.

James A. Garfield, President of the United States 1881 assassinéCelui that controls the volume of currency in our country is absolute master of all industry and all trade ... and when you realize that the whole system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a very small elite of powerful, you will not need that explains how periods of inflation and deflation appear.

Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States to 1864 de1860 assassinéLe government should create, issue and circulate all currency and all necessary funds to meet government spending and the purchasing power of consumers. By adopting these principles, the taxpayers would save huge sums of money in interest. Privilege create and issue money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is also its greatest opportunity.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913 - 1921Certains of the greatest men of the United States in the field of trade and production, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so coherent, so complete, so pervasive .. . They do well, when they speak, speak gently.

William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of CanadaJusqu'à that control the issuance of currency and credit is restored to Government and recognized its responsibility as the most flagrant and most sacred, any talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy is idle and futile ... Once a nation gives up control of its funds, it no longer makes its laws ... Usury once in control, runs any nation.

LenineLe surest way to overthrow an existing social order is to corrupt the currency

Rothschild Brothers of LondonLes few people who understand the system (money and credits) will either be so interested in the profits it generates, is so dependent he favors designs, there will no opposition in this class. On the other hand, people unable to grasp the immense benefit from the system by capital bear their burdens without complaint and perhaps without even noticing that the system does not serve their interests

David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission 1991Nous are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been exposed the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to enter a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination of past centuries.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) It is significant that the people of this nation does not understand anything in the banking and monetary system, for if this were the case, I think we would face a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) The youth who can solve the money question will do more for the world than all the armies of history

Henry Makow, Writer canadienLes Illuminati bankers rule the world through debt is the money created from nothing. They need to rule the world to ensure that no country falter or attempts to overthrow him. As long as private banks rather than governments, will monitor the creation of money, the human race is doomed. These bankers and their allies have bought everything and everyone.

Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in Economics 1988 by gasoline, money creation ex nihilo practiced by the banks is similar, I hesitate not to say that people understand what is at stake here, in the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punished by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different

mechanics of modern money, Federal Reserve Bank of ChicagoLe actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks. bankers found they could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay, or bank notes to the borrowers. In this way banks began to create money. Deposits transaction are the modern counterparts of banknotes. It was a small step to print the tickets on the books crediting deposits of borrowers, the borrowers in turn could "spend" by checks, "thereby printing" their own money.

John Kenneth Galbraith, économisteLe process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is disgusted

Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada 1934-54Chaque time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created. Brand new money.

John Adams, founding father of the Constitution américaineToute perplexity, confusion, and distress in America comes not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation or the desire of honor or virtue, but of our profound ignorance of the nature of currency, credit, and circulation.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Father of Independence U.S. UnisL'incapacité for settlers to obtain the power to issue their own money away from the hands of George III and the international bankers was the reason MAIN war of independence.

Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875 The recurring problem over the centuries and which will be settled sooner or later is the conflict between the People to banks.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Governor of Bank of England, 1920. The bankers own the earth. If you want to keep their slaves and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let them continue to create money.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England 1928-1941 (2nd Renowned wealth of England at that time) The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. This process may be the turn of the most amazing dexterity that was ever invented. The bank was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take them, but leave them the power to create money and a round of hands they will create enough money to buy it back. Remove them this power, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and it would be beneficial because then we would have a better and happier. But if you still want to be slaves of banks and pay the price of your own slavery let so bankers continue to create money and control credit.

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) Money is a new form of slavery, it differs from the old simply by the fact it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave.

Phillip A. Benson, President of the Association American Bankers' Association, June 8 1939Il no better way to take control of a nation to lead its system of credit (money).

Andrew Gause, historian monnaieUne thing to realize about our fractional reserve system is such that in a game of musical chairs, as long as the music turns, there are no losers.

Irving Fisher, economist and auteurAinsi our national average is now trading at the transaction thank you lending banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not.

John Swinton, former chief of staff of The New York Times, in a speech to his colleagues journalistes.Le the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie without reservation, to pervert, to vilify, to grovel at the feet of Mammon and to sell his country and his race to earn his daily bread. You know as I know, so who can speak of an independent press? We are the puppets and vassals of rich men behind the scene ..... They pull the strings ... AND WE DANCE

Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974), aviateurLe financial system has become the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve Board). The central bank manages a financial system with a group of pure profiteers. This system is private and its only purpose is to make the most enormous profits possible using other people's money. This law (Federal Reserve) shows the greatest proof of confidence in the world. When the President signs this act, it legalizes the invisible government by the monetary power. People did not perceive, may not account for the moment but the day of reckoning is only a few years, the day of Judgement This act is the worst crime of all time in the name of the law through a bill.

Marriner S. Eccles, Governor and Chairman of the Board of FedS'il there was no debt in the system, there would be no money.

Encyclopædia Britannica, 14th EditionLes banks create credit. It is a mistake to believe that bank credit is created to any extent by the payment of money to banks. A loan created by the bank is a significant addition to the volume of money in the community.

american's have been BulletinNous Communisis: production must be regulated ruthlessly compared to consumption or .... fraud in bank credit to the detriment of the public will be revealed.

Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager, Fed, Atlanta, GéorgieSi banks create synthetic enough money, we prosper or we sink into poverty. We are definitely, without a permanent money system. When you have a complete view of all, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but it is so.

1924 U.S. Banker's Association magazineThe Capital must protect itself in every way possible, through coalition and legislation. Debts must be collected and mortgages banned as soon as possible. When ordinary people lose their homes through the process of the law, they become more docile and can more easily be directed through the strong arm of the government represented by the major financial players and a power plant due to wealth. These truths are well known to our key stakeholders that now apply to create an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we handle them so they spend all their energy for problems having no importance. So with a discrete action that we will guarantee the sustainability of what we planned and performed so well.

Kenneth Boulding, économisteToute who believes that exponential growth can continue forever (infinite) in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.

Albert A. Bartlett, physicienLa greater impairment of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.

Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) sociologueSeuls small secrets need protection. Large are kept secret by public incredulity.

Reginald McKenna, former Chairman of the Bank of England MilieuJ'ai am afraid the ordinary citizen would not like to be told that banks can create money, and do ... . And those who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of the government and bear the palm of their hands the destiny of the people.

Adolf HitlerLa most of the population easier to believe a big lie than a small one. What luck for rulers that men do not think.

Mahatma GandhiVous participate in a Machiavellian system more effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. Such a system not worthy of allegiance. Obedience to this system is equivalent to join in hell. An intelligent person will resist with all his soul to this diabolical system.

Art. 35 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1793Quand the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred and most indispensable of duties.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

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objects fossil impossible
objects out of the bowels of the earth which are exhibited in museums are those that are perfectly in line with orthodox science officielle.Ceux that follow are those "objects out of context" or OOPARTs called OOPS (Out-Of-Place Artifacts) across the Atlantic, coming to question this simplistic beautiful architecture.
Unfortunately, many of these objects have disappeared (or we let them disappear when they were too annoying), and mostly we are left in their description of their discovery.
Can they be regarded as hoaxes? Note several things: They
quite respectable earned only ridicule, in response to their honesty and courage have made public their findings. These findings
fortuitous occurred mostly before witnesses.
Finally, it's hard to imagine that jokers will be bothered to insert objects into the rock, (they should also tell us how they would process), without ever revealing itself, (which would then the pleasure of the joke?), just to embarrass the scientists of the twentieth century!
Here are some of these discoveries impossible:
the sixteenth century, in 1572, an iron nail was found in the rock of a mine in Peru, it measured 18 centimètres.Il was offered to the English Viceroy Peru as he souvenir.La geological was extracted is estimated between 75,000 and 100,000 years. (1 )
Between 1786 and 1788, near Aix-en-Provence, several discoveries were made in a limestone quarry, where rock layers alternate with layers of sand and clay. Has fifteen meters below ground level in a layer of sand, workers found the first pieces of columns and blocks already cut; lower metal parts reminiscent of coins, handles of petrified wooden tools, a large wooden board also pétrifiée.Et all this dates back 300 million years, if we assume that the classical theories of geology, for the formation of rocks on the one hand and the time of petrification other hand, are accurate.
In 1844, Scotland, between the Rivers Tweed and Rutherford, workmen found a gold thread embedded in rock at 2.5 meters profondeur.Il was exhibited at the headquarters of the local newspaper, the Kelso Chronicle. (2 )
A another iron nail was found in the mid-nineteenth century, in 1845, in a block of stone from the quarry Scottish Kingoodie, his head measured 2.5 centimeters. She was in contact with a layer of gravel and slightly corroded, while the rest of the nail was a prisoner of rock. (3 )
In 1851 in Dorchester (Mass.), during a mining operation, the two parts of a vessel had been torn from the rock vase is 11.3 inches dynamitée.Ce height, it is zinc alloy, with very high silver content it seems, and finely decorated, estimated age, 100 000 years (see photo top of page). It has to time traveled from museum to museum, then disappeared ... (4 )
The same year, in the same State, in Springfield, Mr. De Witt accidentally broke a piece of gold quartz he had brought from the interior California., was a wrought-iron nail than 5 centimeters, slightly corroded, absolutely right with a head formée.La stone is perfectly aged a million years. (5 )
Also in 1851, Whiteside County (Ill.), two copper objects have been raised from a depth of 36 meters during a drill. They looked like a hook and a ring, aged approximately 150 000 years.
In 1865, a piece of feldspar, removed from a City Treasure Mine (Nevada), contained the remains of a screw oxidized effilée.La stone is aged 21 million years. (6 )
In August 1870, Lawn Ridge near Peoria (Illinois), with two other companions, JW Moffit found a room in the rubble of the artesian well that they were being drilled. The Professor A. Winchell studied object composed of an alloy of copper unidentified at the time. Despite the bitter weather, the room had round edges well cut and remarkably uniform in thickness. The drawing, depicting a female face surmounted by a crown, seemed to have been etched. On the other side, an animal with long pointed ears with a long tail frayed, was accompanied by another resembling a horse. On the periphery of both sides, the characters in an unknown hand deviner.Trouvée allowed themselves to over 30 meters deep, it could be between 100 000 to 150 000 years. (7 )
In autumn 1885 a cubic object was found in a block of coal in the tertiary sector (circa 60 million years) in a mine in Germany. The parallelepiped has been studied by Dr. A. Gurlt. According to publications made in 1886 on this subject, it is interpreted first as a fossil meteorite, and seems to have been "reworked, milled! ... The object is 7 cm by 7 and 4.5, and has a density of 7.75. Four of its sides are perfectly flat, the other two, opposite, slightly convex. A deep groove moves around mid-hauteur.Endommagé by the different samples taken, we will make a plaster cast early siècle.En 1910 he disappears from the inventory of the museum in Salzburg where he was conservé.On find the presentation from 1950 to 1958, the museum National Oberosterreichisehes Linz (Austria), which is also retained the moulage.Il is now owned by MOR Bernhardt museum Heimathaus Vöcklabruck in Autriche.Des additional studies conducted by various scientific institutes in Vienna, 1966-67, 1973 and 1986, conclude definitively that the object cast, is not a meteorite and was cast in a mold. This object he was actually found in coal or is it from a smelter at the time? (8 )
In 1891, Morrisonville, Illinois, breaking a large block of coal, Mrs. SW Culp found a small gold chain, about 25 centimeters long, whose ends were still trapped in two separate pieces. (9 )

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objects fossil impossible
objects out of the bowels of the earth which are exhibited in museums are those that are perfectly in line with orthodox science officielle.Ceux that follow are those "objects out of context" or OOPARTs called OOPS (Out-Of-Place Artifacts) across the Atlantic, coming to question this simplistic beautiful architecture.
Unfortunately, many of these objects have disappeared (or we let them disappear when they were too annoying), and mostly we are left in their description of their discovery.
Can they be regarded as hoaxes? Note several things: They
quite respectable earned only ridicule, in response to their honesty and courage have made public their findings. These findings
fortuitous occurred mostly before witnesses.
Finally, it's hard to imagine that jokers will be bothered to insert objects into the rock, (they should also tell us how they would process), without ever revealing itself, (which would then the pleasure of the joke?), just to embarrass the scientists of the twentieth century!
Here are some of these discoveries impossible:
the sixteenth century, in 1572, an iron nail was found in the rock of a mine in Peru, it measured 18 centimètres.Il was offered to the English Viceroy Peru as he souvenir.La geological was extracted is estimated between 75,000 and 100,000 years. (1 )
Between 1786 and 1788, near Aix-en-Provence, several discoveries were made in a limestone quarry, where rock layers alternate with layers of sand and clay. Has fifteen meters below ground level in a layer of sand, workers found the first pieces of columns and blocks already cut; lower metal parts reminiscent of coins, handles of petrified wooden tools, a large wooden board also pétrifiée.Et all this dates back 300 million years, if we assume that the classical theories of geology, for the formation of rocks on the one hand and the time of petrification other hand, are accurate.
In 1844, Scotland, between the Rivers Tweed and Rutherford, workmen found a gold thread embedded in rock at 2.5 meters profondeur.Il was exhibited at the headquarters of the local newspaper, the Kelso Chronicle. (2 )
A another iron nail was found in the mid-nineteenth century, in 1845, in a block of stone from the quarry Scottish Kingoodie, his head measured 2.5 centimeters. She was in contact with a layer of gravel and slightly corroded, while the rest of the nail was a prisoner of rock. (3 )
In 1851 in Dorchester (Mass.), during a mining operation, the two parts of a vessel had been torn from the rock vase is 11.3 inches dynamitée.Ce height, it is zinc alloy, with very high silver content it seems, and finely decorated, estimated age, 100 000 years (see photo top of page). It has to time traveled from museum to museum, then disappeared ... (4 )
The same year, in the same State, in Springfield, Mr. De Witt accidentally broke a piece of gold quartz he had brought from the interior California., was a wrought-iron nail than 5 centimeters, slightly corroded, absolutely right with a head formée.La stone is perfectly aged a million years. (5 )
Also in 1851, Whiteside County (Ill.), two copper objects have been raised from a depth of 36 meters during a drill. They looked like a hook and a ring, aged approximately 150 000 years.
In 1865, a piece of feldspar, removed from a City Treasure Mine (Nevada), contained the remains of a screw oxidized effilée.La stone is aged 21 million years. (6 )
In August 1870, Lawn Ridge near Peoria (Illinois), with two other companions, JW Moffit found a room in the rubble of the artesian well that they were being drilled. The Professor A. Winchell studied object composed of an alloy of copper unidentified at the time. Despite the bitter weather, the room had round edges well cut and remarkably uniform in thickness. The drawing, depicting a female face surmounted by a crown, seemed to have been etched. On the other side, an animal with long pointed ears with a long tail frayed, was accompanied by another resembling a horse. On the periphery of both sides, the characters in an unknown hand deviner.Trouvée allowed themselves to over 30 meters deep, it could be between 100 000 to 150 000 years. (7 )
In autumn 1885 a cubic object was found in a block of coal in the tertiary sector (circa 60 million years) in a mine in Germany. The parallelepiped has been studied by Dr. A. Gurlt. According to publications made in 1886 on this subject, it is interpreted first as a fossil meteorite, and seems to have been "reworked, milled! ... The object is 7 cm by 7 and 4.5, and has a density of 7.75. Four of its sides are perfectly flat, the other two, opposite, slightly convex. A deep groove moves around mid-hauteur.Endommagé by the different samples taken, we will make a plaster cast early siècle.En 1910 he disappears from the inventory of the museum in Salzburg where he was conservé.On find the presentation from 1950 to 1958, the museum National Oberosterreichisehes Linz (Austria), which is also retained the moulage.Il is now owned by MOR Bernhardt museum Heimathaus Vöcklabruck in Autriche.Des additional studies conducted by various scientific institutes in Vienna, 1966-67, 1973 and 1986, conclude definitively that the object cast, is not a meteorite and was cast in a mold. This object he was actually found in coal or is it from a smelter at the time? (8 )
In 1891, Morrisonville, Illinois, breaking a large block of coal, Mrs. SW Culp found a small gold chain, about 25 centimeters long, whose ends were still trapped in two separate pieces. (9 )

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The Gregorian calendar is the calendar currently used in most parts of the world. Designed by a panel of scientists under the direction of Christophorus Clavius to correct secular drift Julian calendar, its name bears the name of its instigator Gregory XIII, Pope of 1572 to 1585 . Its point of departure, the year 1, is estimated as the year of the birth of Jesus .
Summary [ hide] 1 Structure
1.1 Subdivisions
1.2 The adjustment Gregorian
2 Introduction of the Gregorian calendar
3 Debates on the Gregorian calendar in history
4 Use by historians
5 Trivia
6 See also
6.1 Bibliography
6.2 Internal links 6.3 External links

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Structure Timetable:
The structure of the Gregorian calendar is similar to the Julian calendar of ancient Rome in force until then. It is a solar calendar, based on the revolution of Earth around the Sun in 365.2422 days than 24 hours of 60 to 60 minutes second metric. The Gregorian calendar gives an average time of the year of 365.2425 days, to ensure a whole number of days per year are added every four years a leap day on February 29 (see leap year) with the exception of leap years centuries that are removed, unless the year is divisible by 400. He is currently an error of about one day 3000 years.
The Gregorian calendar uses the rules of the Gregorian .

The Gregorian calendar is divided into twelve months grouped into four quarters :

Q1 Q2 Q3

January, 31 days in February , 28 or 29 days March , 31 days.
April, May 30 days, 31 days June, 30 days.
July, 31 days August, 31 days September, 30 days.
October, 31 days November, December 30 days, 31 days.
90 or 91 days

91 days 92 days 92 days

A period of seven days forms a week . The days of a week have a name: in French, Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday , Saturday and Sunday . A period of four weeks as a months and a period of twelve months form a year .
era commonly used with the Gregorian calendar is the Christian era, that is to say, "AD" (Anno Domini in Latin phrase still used in English and most often noted after year abbreviated AD, and formerly designated as the French year of grace or year of the Lord).
year "zero" of it would exist?
A calendar is a measure of time, a count of years, months and days. One measure assesses the magnitude of the observed object. She can not leave until zero. But none, except that The starting point is the landmark. Here, in the sense of time, so this is a moment, not a period of time. (Zero is zero). Came after a year, said it was the first year. Let the analogy with distance, one-dimensional notion of space: a runner from a given point, and after one kilometer, it is called the km 1. Presumably also, eg, measurement of distances in kilometers on road maps. The first year of any schedule can therefore only one year (as on 1 km traveled is km 1).
also about those who claim that the calendars would have to include the years zero: some, noting that the makers of the time schedules were not retained from year zero, believed that the Romans (without thinking about the Semites and other Christians) did not know the existence of zero. But in fact, having realized that the calendars should not logically include the year zero, our ancestors have not been and we can not conclude that they did not know zero. The era
above is the pre-Christian era and is counted in the opposite direction, again from time zero. It is in the direction "before Christ", often abbreviated in French "av. AD. The years "x ave. J.-C. also noted "-x".

adjustment Gregorian
The introduction of the Gregorian calendar replace the Julian calendar began on 15 October 1582 with countries claiming alignment Rome Spain , Portugal, United States of the Italian peninsula (including Papal States). The aim was to fight against the drift of the date of Easter (Sunday after the first moon of the equinox fictitious spring) that moved to summer.
In fact the major reform and sufficient eliminating this drift (which was easily applied in other countries by the limited reform of the Julian calendar) was the mode of application of leap years in century years. The main difference between the Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar unreformed, lies in the distribution of leap years.
As noted above, the tropical year average, that is to say the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun, hard 365.24219 days. By inserting a leap day every four years, attributed to the Julian calendar year an average of 365.25 days. This induces a lag of about 8 days per thousand compared to real time, with the effect that the date of Easter determined by the March 21 (sort of spring equinox legal), slipped gradually away from the actual spring equinox, which this last "bump" in the calendar slowly, reaching around 10 March (Julian) at sixteenth century. It is therefore considered as
common years (Years of 365 days) vintages that are multiples of 100 without being multiples of 400. Thus 1600 and 2000 were leap years but not 1700, 1800, 1900, which were common. Similarly, 2100, 2200, 2300 will be common, while 2400 will be a leap year .
Applying this rule, we arrive at a year of 365.2425 days instead of 365.24219 days is an excess of three days in 10,000 years. It was proposed to amend the rule to consider the multiple years of 4000 to be normal. But because of the shortening of the tropical year estimated at 0.5 sec per century and elongation of the day of 1.64 milliseconds per century, it is unrealistic to achieve this level of accuracy, uncertainty over the duration of the year to 10 000 years of the same order of magnitude.
The introduction of the Gregorian calendar also includes a second reform implementation more difficult, offset Gregorian suppressed ten calendar days, between 4 October 1582 and 15 October 1582 for countries that immediately followed Rome, which allowed for reattaching the spring equinox on March 21, as was the case at the beginning of the Christian era, the First Council of Nicaea in 325.
These ten days allowed to catch a shot taken by the growing delay the Julian calendar the dates of the equinoxes since the beginning of the Christian era, that is to say more than 12 centuries before, and find the correlation between the spring equinox on March 21 and calendar. 9 years leap were counted too much (500, 600, 700, 900, 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400 and 1500 under the new calculation rules) if the Julian calendar did not induce this shift for the entire period until 'in 1582, but the corrections had been applied earlier during this period by failing to add a day in late February in some years that should have been leap (following the old rule of the Julian calendar).
However, some countries have been slow to implement the adjustment of the Gregorian century years ( adjustment dates by country ), and therefore counted as the leap year 1700 (according to the unreformed Julian calendar) This has increased the lag time in eleven days. Sweden, which used the Julian calendar was first attempted to apply only the Gregorian adjustment rule in 1700 (non-leap) without applying the offset of 10 days and then rebounded in 1704 by adding two days in the month of February (leap year doubling) to return to the old Julian calendar still used in England and in Protestant and Orthodox neighbors. The
Sweden and England fully implements the Gregorian calendar until later, under the influence of Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland which states used simultaneously Julian and Gregorian calendars after they were Protestant or Catholic, and when they Unification wanted to standardize schedules.
The third reform of the Gregorian calendar was numbered years beginning in January and not March as in the Julian calendar (the beginning of the year in the Julian calendar to itself varied - see the article and external links). This reform helps to match the pagan holidays of New Year in time for Christmas, not just before the holy time of Easter. In many countries, this reform has been implemented for years or even several centuries after the adjustment and offset Gregorian. However this will not be the case of Orthodox countries, including the year began in September.

Introduction of the Gregorian calendar
Moved from the beginning of the reign of Gregory, and supported by England in a Ecumenical Council, the calendar takes its name when the Pope decides to adopt it too. First, in many countries refused on religious grounds or political (conflict between the Papacy and some countries Protestants, and limited application by the Orthodox churches which accept the new way of calculating years in the secular calendar but without applying the Julian calendar shift) the Gregorian calendar was released slowly
in October 1582 in Italy at Portugal, in its Brazilian colony, and Spain ,
in late 1582 in France in Austria in Poland ,
in the years 1582 to 1584 in the English colonies in Latin America and until California, and the Philippines ,
the sixteenth century the eighteenth century in the French colony of Canada , in
the years 1583 to 1590 in continental Europe and Central Lutheran Non ,
in 1600 in Scotland, in
1610 in northern Poland ,
in 1648 (date the Treaty of Westphalia ) in Alsace ,
in 1700 in Iceland and Greenland ,
in 1752 to United Kingdom and its colonies on the east coast of North America, and is now north-western United States ,
in 1753 in Sweden,
in the late eighteenth century in Australia ,
the nineteenth century in Korea,
in 1872 in Albania,
in 1873 to Japan,
in 1912 Taiwan to ,
in 1915 in Lithuania and Estonia ,
in 1916 in Bulgaria,
in 1918 in most countries of the Tsarist empire Orthodox : Russia , Belarus, Moldova , Ukraine, Georgia , Estonia, Armenia in Azerbaijan, and in the countries of Central Asia : Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan , Kazakhstan,
in 1919 for Catholic Romania,
in 1920 for Orthodox Romania,
in 1924 in Greece,
in 1927 in Turkey,
the twentieth century in Africa West, Central, and South America.
countries that use the Gregorian calendar associated with another calendar are:
the countries of North Africa : the Algeria, Morocco the the Tunisia, Mauritania the the Libya, the Egypt, the Sudan, the Eritrean ,
the Middle East: Israel the Jordan, Syria the , the Iraq, the Kuwait, Oman the Yemen the Qatar,
large Asian countries: the China, Taiwan , the India And the Burma the Thailand, Cambodia the the Mongolia, Nepal the .
Only the Saudi Arabia, the Iran , the Afghanistan, the Pakistan , the Ethiopia and Vietnam do not use the Gregorian calendar.

Debates on the Gregorian calendar in History:
If the principle of the Gregorian adjustment has not been questioned, it is not true of its internal structure. Critics
wore in France its relationship with the Christianity , through the Christian era , religious festivals, and references to saints in diaries. The diaries were in effect at the time a major media in the French countryside.
This motivated some projects such as calendars lay the the Republican calendar French Revolution . Unlike metric, it does not succeed: it is true that the principle not to rest one day out of ten (decades) instead of seven could not enthuse. Another reason, more technical, was that the shift schedule between France and neighboring countries posed some difficulties in the border areas.
Another draft timetable secular (the fixed schedule) has been proposed by Auguste Comte : calendar positivist. This has hardly been used outside of the Count and a few disciples.
Other critics seem to concern the very construction of the calendar month
variable length (28 to 31 days) which makes such an analysis of economic statistics;
difficult correspondence between the names of days and number in the month, duration
quarters (the second quarter being for example shorter than the third);
weeks (4.33) per month;
change the date of some holidays like Easter .
But originality is not related to human choices, timing is simply trying to follow the astronomical year. It does not involve a whole day and summer and winter periods are 7 days apart in time. The lunar cycle is not fixed either. Nevertheless it must be a number of whole days in a year to navigate and monitor the length of day (sunrise Sun ).
This difficulty has led many reform proposals to use the principle of epagomena days. It is a white day that does not count the week. By adding one (or two leap years) day epagomenal year, we come to gain equality 365 = 7 × 52 + 1. The same idea with additional days in the Republican calendar of the French Revolution.
months duration was chosen to correspond approximately to a lunar cycle. Thus, even a non-literate population could know about, observing the change in appearance of the moon, when a month had elapsed, the reference to the moon was important for the sailors (to know the tides ) and farmers (night work fields) of a predominantly rural population.
If today this relationship is not evident in our urban civilization , the vast majority of reforms trying to keep a calendar month about a lunar month.
Note, however, the emergence of the Badi `calendar used in the Baha'i . If it is also based on a solar year, the latter starting at the vernal equinox on March 21 , its originality lies in the abandonment of reference for the duration of the lunar month. A year of this calendar has 19 months because of 19 days (361 days). 4 to 5 additional days needed to complete one year are inserted between the 18th and 19th months and the intercalary days are appointed.
Over the last three centuries, other reform proposals have been advanced. The best known were the proposals for universal calendar and fixed schedule. The mid-twentieth century , the League of Nations then the United Nations led studies to reform the calendar. These were abandoned under pressure from countries like the United States the UK, the Netherlands or Indonesia, officially so as not to disrupt religious traditions.
Many authors of science fiction played with the idea that the timing landowner might one day be used in any known space, while almost everyone has forgotten its original purpose or even the existence of Earth itself.
On a more down to earth at the approach of the year 2000, when it came to adapt computer systems which for the most part, were affected by the bug Year 2000 through the system date and algorithms of dating used in computer programs , the question arose between the authorities of different religions to know what was the baseline schedule. Following a debate in the United States, it was finally decided to retain, for the sake of simplicity, the Gregorian calendar ...

use by historians: 1582
Before, we used the Julian calendar . So this calendar is also used by historians for that period, as they work with dates on the documents. The Gregorian calendar is rarely used retroactively.

in Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac says the 26 September 1655 was a Saturday. It was actually a Sunday!
Teresa of Avila died in the night shift from October 4 to October 15 1582. The date of the feast of Saints being established after their death (their "birthday into heaven"), the feast of this holy tomb October 15.
Shakespeare and Cervantes died on the same date but not the same day, the United Kingdom - for its part Anglican - did not immediately adopted the Gregorian calendar.
Montaigne in his Essays mentions the difficulties his contemporaries tried to move gradually to the new calendar.
Remains Calendar Julian remain fossilized in the strata of popular culture . They are removed regularly mark the publication of various calendars, almanacs and other publications agricultural gardening. Examples:
"At Sainte Luce, the days get longer the jump of a flea, AT Nadal (Christmas) from the foot of a gal (cock) And the new year's not an ox." These dates are those of the Julian calendar. In our current schedule we celebrate the Holy Luce December 13 but the days begin to lengthen until 22 December.
"The Saint Barnabas (June 11) is the longest day of the year." This saying reflects today the 10-day lag introduced during the adoption of the Gregorian calendar to catch the Julian calendar on the Sun.
"In St. Matthew (September 21), day equals the night." he chants the advent of the autumn equinox in accordance with the existing timetable.
"At St. Catherine's (November 25th), everything takes root!" Excellent reference for gardeners to make most plantation