objects fossil impossible
objects out of the bowels of the earth which are exhibited in museums are those that are perfectly in line with orthodox science officielle.Ceux that follow are those "objects out of context" or OOPARTs called OOPS (Out-Of-Place Artifacts) across the Atlantic, coming to question this simplistic beautiful architecture.
Unfortunately, many of these objects have disappeared (or we let them disappear when they were too annoying), and mostly we are left in their description of their discovery.
Can they be regarded as hoaxes? Note several things: They
quite respectable earned only ridicule, in response to their honesty and courage have made public their findings. These findings
fortuitous occurred mostly before witnesses.
Finally, it's hard to imagine that jokers will be bothered to insert objects into the rock, (they should also tell us how they would process), without ever revealing itself, (which would then the pleasure of the joke?), just to embarrass the scientists of the twentieth century!
Here are some of these discoveries impossible:
the sixteenth century, in 1572, an iron nail was found in the rock of a mine in Peru, it measured 18 centimètres.Il was offered to the English Viceroy Peru as he souvenir.La geological was extracted is estimated between 75,000 and 100,000 years. (1 )
Between 1786 and 1788, near Aix-en-Provence, several discoveries were made in a limestone quarry, where rock layers alternate with layers of sand and clay. Has fifteen meters below ground level in a layer of sand, workers found the first pieces of columns and blocks already cut; lower metal parts reminiscent of coins, handles of petrified wooden tools, a large wooden board also pétrifiée.Et all this dates back 300 million years, if we assume that the classical theories of geology, for the formation of rocks on the one hand and the time of petrification other hand, are accurate.
In 1844, Scotland, between the Rivers Tweed and Rutherford, workmen found a gold thread embedded in rock at 2.5 meters profondeur.Il was exhibited at the headquarters of the local newspaper, the Kelso Chronicle. (2 )
A another iron nail was found in the mid-nineteenth century, in 1845, in a block of stone from the quarry Scottish Kingoodie, his head measured 2.5 centimeters. She was in contact with a layer of gravel and slightly corroded, while the rest of the nail was a prisoner of rock. (3 )
In 1851 in Dorchester (Mass.), during a mining operation, the two parts of a vessel had been torn from the rock vase is 11.3 inches dynamitée.Ce height, it is zinc alloy, with very high silver content it seems, and finely decorated, estimated age, 100 000 years (see photo top of page). It has to time traveled from museum to museum, then disappeared ... (4 )
The same year, in the same State, in Springfield, Mr. De Witt accidentally broke a piece of gold quartz he had brought from the interior California., was a wrought-iron nail than 5 centimeters, slightly corroded, absolutely right with a head formée.La stone is perfectly aged a million years. (5 )
Also in 1851, Whiteside County (Ill.), two copper objects have been raised from a depth of 36 meters during a drill. They looked like a hook and a ring, aged approximately 150 000 years.
In 1865, a piece of feldspar, removed from a City Treasure Mine (Nevada), contained the remains of a screw oxidized effilée.La stone is aged 21 million years. (6 )
In August 1870, Lawn Ridge near Peoria (Illinois), with two other companions, JW Moffit found a room in the rubble of the artesian well that they were being drilled. The Professor A. Winchell studied object composed of an alloy of copper unidentified at the time. Despite the bitter weather, the room had round edges well cut and remarkably uniform in thickness. The drawing, depicting a female face surmounted by a crown, seemed to have been etched. On the other side, an animal with long pointed ears with a long tail frayed, was accompanied by another resembling a horse. On the periphery of both sides, the characters in an unknown hand deviner.Trouvée allowed themselves to over 30 meters deep, it could be between 100 000 to 150 000 years. (7 )
In autumn 1885 a cubic object was found in a block of coal in the tertiary sector (circa 60 million years) in a mine in Germany. The parallelepiped has been studied by Dr. A. Gurlt. According to publications made in 1886 on this subject, it is interpreted first as a fossil meteorite, and seems to have been "reworked, milled! ... The object is 7 cm by 7 and 4.5, and has a density of 7.75. Four of its sides are perfectly flat, the other two, opposite, slightly convex. A deep groove moves around mid-hauteur.Endommagé by the different samples taken, we will make a plaster cast early siècle.En 1910 he disappears from the inventory of the museum in Salzburg where he was conservé.On find the presentation from 1950 to 1958, the museum National Oberosterreichisehes Linz (Austria), which is also retained the moulage.Il is now owned by MOR Bernhardt museum Heimathaus Vöcklabruck in Autriche.Des additional studies conducted by various scientific institutes in Vienna, 1966-67, 1973 and 1986, conclude definitively that the object cast, is not a meteorite and was cast in a mold. This object he was actually found in coal or is it from a smelter at the time? (8 )
In 1891, Morrisonville, Illinois, breaking a large block of coal, Mrs. SW Culp found a small gold chain, about 25 centimeters long, whose ends were still trapped in two separate pieces. (9 )
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