Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mario Salieri Online Gratis


By Raul Mesquita journalist VOZ DE PORTUGAL and translated and annotated by Jean-Paul Da Silva

- The world changes, of next few years if the trend continues, the current world, will never be the same, gradually becoming dominated by Islam! There are scary!

Scientific studies say that no civilization, no culture can survive more than 25 years with a birth rate below 2.11%. Currently, in all countries of Western Culture, demography keeps falling! The most significant examples will be calculated this way: if two couples have a child, it represents a descent of 50%, then again if a couple has a boy, it will be 25% in early this new generation, compared to their grandparents! So, a quarter of the current population!
is demographically unlikely to maintain our culture with a birth rate of 1.9%. The population ages, when people die, this population does not regenerate.
With a fertility rate that low, it would take between 80 and 100 years to rebalance things!
In cons party, the Muslims have a higher population of around 8.1% !!!!.....
Global culture, as it is, change in a relatively short space of time! Data collected from various studies are serious and unequivocal! And it is extremely scared!
In 2007, France had a fertility rate of 1.8%, England 1.6%, Greece 1.3%,
Germany 1.3% Italy 1.2 % (the Italians of hot rabbit?) and Spain by 1.1%!

Of 31 countries, the average of the European Union is less than 1.38%!
the next few years, Europe as we know it will cease to exist!
As history repeats itself, the Great Civilizations Greek, Roman, Egyptian, have disappeared,
our turn, our civilization risks the same fate! What are the causes? Largely because of our withdrawal into ourselves, the quest for absolute well-being, the boundless ambition, the pursuit of property without end, always better, always more, but in the end, why? What is its purpose?
At the end of our earthly life, what is the balance?

In France very patriotic, or fertility rate reached a measly 1.8%, this rate reached 8.1% for families Muslim! Currently, 30% of young people under 20 are Muslims in major cities this percentage reaches 47%. By some estimates, in 2027 a French Muslim of 5 will be! In less than 40 years, France will become a Muslim republic!
In England in the last 30 years the Muslim population increased from 82.000 to 2,500,000!
In the Netherlands, 50% of recent births were of Muslim origin, which means that in 15 years, half of the population is Muslim.
In Russia there are 23 million Muslims, therefore, 1 in 5.
In Belgium, 25% of the population is Muslim.
In Germany the first country to launch an alert on this subject, the government has already thrown in the towel, now accepting the inevitability that in 2050 Germany will be a Muslim republic!
Gaddafi said: "There are now several signals that tell us that Islam will conquer the world, without swords, without battles, without terrorism, without human bombs. In a few decades, some 50 million Muslims, transform the Europe into an Islamic state "





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