The Importance of Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Worship Languages.
The Bible emphasizes the importance of baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence to speak or to worship God miraculously in other languages. That is, the worship in languages that we do not know, we never studied. According to Acts 2, the 120 faithful who have obeyed the Lord Jesus, persevering in prayer 10 days together, have all started to glorify God, worshiping in new languages as the Holy Spirit to give them a voice. They were so filled or baptized with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist said that Jesus Christ baptize repentant believers of the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3). Later, Jesus instructed his disciples not to leave Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father, the outpouring of the Spirit prophesied by the prophet Joel in Joel 2.28-32. He said they would receive power when the Holy Spirit occurring on them and they would be his witnesses ... (Acts 1.4-8).
According to the Apostle Peter in Acts 2.37-39, this gift is for all true believers in all generations. It is a promise and a gift to every believer until Christ returns. One day we will not need this gift, but we will need until we see the Lord face to face (1 Corinthians 13.8-12). Joel had mentioned in Chapter 2 of this experience is like going until there would be the sign which the sun turned into darkness and the moon into blood, just before Christ's return. Sometimes Christians teach that speaking in tongues is not for all believers because they mix the speaking in tongues is the sign of the baptism of the Spirit with the gift of diversity of languages mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. This latest donation is given for the common good (the building of the church) and is not shown by all. But there is talk in language that is for everyone, because God wants everyone to love it so, that all have the power to testify and intercede in all languages. According to 1 Corinthians 14.2, " He who speaks in tongue does not speak to men but to God because nobody understands, and in spirit he speaketh mysteries." For cons, the gift of language diversity must be understood or interpreted by men so that all understand and are built according to 1 Corinthians 12.
Worshiping the Father in other languages is what God desires of all (John 4). Worship God in spirit means to worship in other languages (compare John 4 and 1 Corinthians 14.2 and 14-17). Worshiping the Father in tongues is for our personal recollection. Generally, in the church, we must not exercise this gift unless he received the gift of interpreting it for all to understand and be edified. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14: "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all" "He who speaks in tongues edifies himself" and again, "you make excellent thanksgiving" (worshiping in tongues) . God seeks such worshipers who will worship in spirit and in truth. But it is clear that this adoration strengthen us too!
Speaking in tongues is the main sign that one is baptized in the Holy Spirit. In Acts chapters 2, 10 and 11, and 19, we see different believers baptized in the Holy Spirit, and all without exception, miraculously speak in tongues. Sometimes they also prophesy, but the sign that convinced Peter and he says, is not the gift of prophecy, but speaking in tongues manifested by all in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10 Please study and 11).
The early church understood the importance of baptism of the Holy Spirit. Receiving the news that a town in Samaria was converted through the ministry of Philip, they sent Peter and John as they place their hands on new converts and are filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 8) . Jesus Christ said : these signs shall follow them that believe on my name ... they shall speak with new tongues ... (Mark 16.17). The apostle Paul wanted new converts to take that experience quickly (Acts 19:1-7). "He who speaks in tongues edifies" Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 14. We need to be strong (built) in order to edify others.
My brother has been converted and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues miraculously when he was twelve. They spent two hours every night praying in other languages, in a year he had read the Bible completely twice. He was so changed that at the age thirteen years, the doors opened so that it has the opportunity to preach the gospel. He always preaches, being pastor of a church across from Princeton University. This same experience has changed so much that shyness that paralyzed me was removed. Since the age of seventeen years as I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ glorious.
Today, more than 300 million believers worship God miraculously in other languages. If you have not yet experienced this, know that it is for you, and it will make you stronger and victorious. When I was still at school theology, there was a group of lowland New York school as former members and gang leaders converted through the ministry of David Wilkerson. They spoke of how through this experience with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, they have given up sin, hard drugs, and their old life, day by day. If you want to be victorious, I encourage you as Jesus told his disciples: "Receive the Holy Spirit."
According to Jesus in Luke 11, we must persevere in prayer and worship to receive. We must show our love for the Lord through obedience to His commandments (John 14.15). If we are sincere and that we will cooperate with the Holy Spirit, he will give us the sign that is speaking in tongues. Please understand that will not force you to speak in tongues. Your lips may begin to tremble, but you'll have to say the sounds and words that will place in your heart. There will be some measure of faith because you will not understand these words. Later, God may give the gift of interpreting these languages, but first you'll have to run you through faith. If a true worship rises from your heart, you will be filled with His Spirit, his love and power, as promised!
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