Millions of dead people once disarmed! NO
dictators begin by disarming the people, and increasingly arming criminals and kill millions of innocent women and children.
Millions dead, once people disarmed?
and one that also takes the bag,
that whoever has no sword sell his garment and buy a sword.
For I tell you, this word must be fulfilled that is written by me: He was numbered with the transgressors.
And my case is about to happen. They said: Lord, two swords.
And he said unto them
Enough. " that the damage inflicted by the aggressor is lasting, grave and certain (Justification) that all other means of putting an end were found to be impractical or ineffective (Negotiation ) that are serious prospects of success (Prohibition of suicide attacks)
that the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated (Atom) .
Among the notable references to this subject:
Not the initiative against weapons!
sheep Do not be naive! Everything can change very quickly! We need a defense!
Jesus asked his disciples to sell clothes for at least two swords. "he said to them: When I sent you without purse, no bag, no shoes, did you lack anything?
They said, Nothing. And he said unto them
Now, however, that whoever has a purse, take 
and one that also takes the bag,
that whoever has no sword sell his garment and buy a sword.
For I tell you, this word must be fulfilled that is written by me: He was numbered with the transgressors.
And my case is about to happen. They said: Lord, two swords.
And he said unto them
Enough. "
(Luke 22. 35 to 38)
Even the Pope of the Swiss Guards armed. Too much idealism is ridiculous! Self-defense is Christian.
The Social Doctrine of the Church gives strict rules, including that to be lawful, the use of force must answer:
that the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated (Atom) .
Among the notable references to this subject:
call the Crusades for issuing the Holy Places and assistance to Eastern Christians
- The truce of God , the Middle Ages.
- Pope Benedict XV
- , which is dubbed the Pope of Peace for his role during World War
- .
The encyclical Pacem in Terris of John XXIII
- on the resolution of the Cold War
- .
- The community of Sant'Egidio , who was involved in the pacification of Kosovo and Ivory Coast.
- The Christian because of his faith, knows the fear of knowing if he acts in accordance with this rule. Ambrose in De Officiis I, 29 stated that there were two ways of sinning against
- justice : "[...] one, c ' is to commit an unjust act,
- the other is not to rescue the victim of an unjust aggressor. "
Not the initiative against weapons!
More arguments
Neutrality army.
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