openly accuse are not evidence?
But in Haute Savoie mafia, when you Aurre understood that the administration could not care less evidence. That is the worst shit of the French, have given this administration a total impunity. What he might judge Burgaud for his 21 years in prison? An investigation that whitens everything. At worst blame. But if the record had rotted successful, he would surely have taken up the ranks and increases. Here is the reality of your
administration calls for more resources.
INVOLVEMENT BALLOULOUD YVES NO DOUBT because he always acts the same and following techniques known since time immemorial. Provided it is considered a serious and competent court, which is absolutely not the case with the French justice
whose complicity is certain. The press reported the evidence with those months of waiting to arrest the Deputy Fife "guilty" and in fact totally manipulated and monitored closely for years, well before the quintuple murder. That's the whole investigation should be resumed with the appointment of an independent prosecutor who is not official and has the means to make a real investigation, not this fake charade based on wiretaps, confessions, rushes videos and thousands of slander and destabilization, and ignores the true motives.
But do not dream of justice in France. It is a total illusion.
So that justice high savoy mafia do his rigged trial with his decision known in advance, but it does not associate the "French people" in his deception. Judging will be on behalf of employees who made the survey on behalf of officials and jurors who have "tried". And they will make no illusion whatsoever in this world or another, they must be accountable to a real Justice She never makes a mistake!
Finally for those who would not included. I knew more than a year before the quintuple murder as Ballaloud yves's lawyer Xavier Flactif , was a serial killer. This is because I have often been informed by sources in advance that I own myself able to escape assassination. And in my case the Ballaloud with John Blanchard agent with Turkish Michel Franck Guesdon, even Rachoud, judges accomplices, with the complicity of tax services, the dirty cop police, urssaf, .../. .. have committed a fraud which includes several million euros owed to me for damages for harm caused.
I informed in open court and complaint to the Attorney Bonneville by letter dated 15 February 2001 issue of "serial killer" of Ballaloud. IF THE COMPLAINT HAD BEEN EDUCATED, FAMILY FLACTIF IS STILL ALIVE! And if it has not been Because it's just the administration is 100% complicit in what is an absolute certainty for me.
So I'm like Pontius Pilate, I wash my hands. And if I keep shouting is because of this statement "on behalf of the French people" Because I know some of the consequences. Criminals believe sometimes conceal the crime by dillu in the crowd made for an accomplice.
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