I am in favor of restoring the monarchy in France, such
it was originally with the Capetian, ie with
elected kings. I am also a supporter of two kings of France
(as in Sparta), one for the army and institutions, the other for
it was originally with the Capetian, ie with
elected kings. I am also a supporter of two kings of France
(as in Sparta), one for the army and institutions, the other for
Judgements should only be labeled "On behalf of the judges" in their faith, conscience, and impartiality intégrétité with recourse against these judges (principle of responsibility) .
Recovery of royalty would also label the decision "On behalf of the King" (the one in charge of justice I mean) and of course with a reform of institutions that enable an effective remedy before the King. That is the point of contact a person who has not an institution and often irresponsible. A Justice
totally independent of other powers but who takes all his decisions with the possibility of an appeal to the King guarantor of the impartiality of the authority.
A simple suggestion to try to get to the Justice nobility.
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