H1N1 following .... Here is the result of H1N1, by Jean-Jacques Crevecoeur, with several references to support his claim .
Thank you, good reading, JP
this Sunday, September 20, 2009
remark: I remember I sent you this email from my own. I do not serve the interests of anyone and I conduct this action bénévolement.Ma only motivation is to awaken those who yearn to breathe free, independent and autonomous. And for that we must live informed! I do not ask me word. But to verify the information I give you. And draw your own conclusions.Les other, needless to send me hate mail. I do not even read. I do not prevent you from acting on your belief based on blind faith in medicine, pharmaceutical industry, our leaders and the media claims dominants.Je just the freedom to choose how I want to take care of my health, in full sovereignty. And take care of me, it also implies how I choose the risk I want to run and those I do not want to run. Pandemic flu
H1N1Des tens of thousands of people were awarded the e-mail I asked where a certain numberof troubling questions about this pandemic! This is my third email information. Another will be sent again this semaine.Nous are in a race against time! In the meantime, I answer questionsqui I have often been poséesdans the 2,500 emails I have received nine personnelsque jours.Plus than ever, I ask you to do your part: these informationsà distribute your entire address book, your sites on your blogset internet.c is your life is jeu.Si you have not received this email directly, sign up for future emails recevoirles:
http://www.jean-jacques-crevecoeur.com Note : On 20 September, the site does not yet allow direct registration of your coordonnées.Il Simply, still, click on the page that will redirect you to my email box attendant.Merci indicate your country of residence, so that we can register you in the right mailing list.
Dear Friends, Thank you for your interest in my approach. Thank you for the thousands of messages you sent and which create an exceptional solidarity egregore (we'll really need, believe me). I want in this email, simply answer the many questions that were asked, but which turn always around the same themes:
Who are you, Mr. Crevecoeur, to take a position like that? (It's true that I had forgotten that when my email would be sent to your address book, recipients would not necessarily know who I am).
I want to believe you, because I find it extremely suspicious that hype, but where is your proof? On what basis do you? It's nice to certify under oath that it is all based on official documents and newspaper articles, but where are they? (I announced in my email of 10 September: I make records that will be visible on the new website that the computer end of it online. In late September, all will be available, but I'll give you a taste here).
Who would benefit from a planned genocide, as we consumers enrich the pharmaceutical companies? Would you not a fan of the great conspiracy theory, then, let's go for réponses.1. Who am I? To answer a few sentences, here's how I introduce myself. I'm Belgian origin, and I was born May 2, 1961 in Tienen (at 12:30 for those who want to prepare fun my birth!) I studied in theoretical quantum physics (Master the University of Namur, Belgium) and was winner of the best Belgian physical memory in 1984. I got a three-year scholarship to complete a doctoral thesis in theoretical quantum physics, theory that I have not finished, because I was disappointed (not to say a word more violent) to discover the the scenes of scientific research, with its fraud and power games. I also have a diploma in education and I also did two years of study in philosophy generally (always in Namur). I worked as a researcher in the Department of Education for two years.In the scientist as and philosopher, I am passionate about the epistemology of medical practice for 25 years. Thus, since 1984, studying the foundations and paradigms of different approaches and medical treatment (homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, scientific medicine, medicine news Hamer, etc..). For 25 years, I am informed and I am documenting on the vaccine issue. To understand this, I made the effort to study the medical language, the virology, immunology and cell biology (by himself). Furthermore, my scientific training allows me to better interpret the ordinary statistical tables presented by experts épidémiologie.Au level of my values, those who know me know that I have always defended the concept of autonomy and respect for each individual. As a trainer (since 1989), I am always presented as an attendant potential of individuals, not as a teacher who knows the truth. As a lecturer (since 1991), I always invite my audience to not take my word, but to check and test before forming an opinion. In addition, myself, I practice the proper systematic doubt the true free spirits: so I revisit constantly confront my beliefs for new informations.Si I fight today (full-time and volunteer) on the back of H1N1, it is because I see all the signs of the establishment of a dictatorship in the world, thanks to the complicity of the military-political-pharmaceutical. The misfortune in all this is that the more I study this issue, the more I find evidence that we are in the presence of a conspiracy organized for dozens of years by a global elite. Yet I am not a proponent of a theory, albeit the great conspiracy. I think for myself (now rare quality the 21st century) and I belong to no religion, no social movement or union with any sect, any secret society or any loge.Bien course, if you do a search on my name in Google, for example You'll find that some groups whose disease is everywhere to see sects called me a dangerous cult guru (I wonder when they will begin to accuse me of drugged or sexually perverted, like "Like what ' they have done to British MEP insisted that too in its questions about GMOs). So, to put the record straight, yes I admit it: I AM A CULT TO ME ALL ALONE, and in this sect-man, while I decide in a sovereign manner regarding MY LIFE. And as I have enough work to remain independent myself, I am not able to host other members in my organization. Sorry for those who want to reach me: there is no place.2. The document references. I suggest you take the 26 questions I asked. And I'll add a twenty-seventh, I forgot, in my tracks literary night last week. This question is also about a million dollars:
Why the U.S. Secretary of State for Health, Kathleen Sebelius, has signed a decree giving full legal immunity to manufacturers of vaccines against H1N1, in case of prosecution (from victims of these vaccines, either side effects or to death)? Does not look like it furiously to a license to kill, right? Reference:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14487 Good going. Cheer up, and continue!
why Ms. Bachelot (Minister of Health in France) she asked in early February 2009, a group of constitutional lawyers, a memo on the following question: the imposition of a vaccination plan the entire population would it illegal and unconstitutional? This what the experts have reassured, citing an exceptional situation and a public health emergency is amply justified that removes all personal freedoms! Reference:
http://www.ccne-ethique.fr / docs / Opinion 20106_anglais.pdf % (sorry, the French version is no longer available on the official website! A coincidence?)
why the World Health Organization has it changed, April 27, 2009, its definition pandemic? Previously, to declare a pandemic, the constraints were much more severe! Now it suffices that the disease was identified in two countries of a zone WHO! Reference:
http://www.who.int/csr/disease/influenza/pipguidance09FR.pdf (see the thirteenth page of the PDF document, as well as explanations on the previous pages)
how is it that the patent of the vaccine against swine influenza (H1N1) was introduced in 2007 (well before the resurgence of the virus disappeared from the infamous English flu epidemic in 1918)? Reference: (here, I was wrong: it's in August 2008 that the patent was filed. But anyway, that was before the launch of Operation pandemic)
http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u 2Fnetahtml =%%% 2Fsearch-2FPTO bool.html & r = 3 & f = G & l = 50 & co1 = AND & d = PG01 & s1 = Kistner.IN. & OS = IN / Kistner & RS = IN / # top Kistner by President Sarkozy what chance he had the intuition going to sign an investment contract in the amount of 100 million euros, March 9, 2009, for the construction of a factory manufacturing vaccines against the flu? And guess where! In Mexico, where precisely the focus of the pandemic has arisen! Reference:
http://www.sanofi-aventis.com/presse/communiques/2009/ppc_24324.asp why no media and no scientist will recall that the ordinary flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people, more of 1,000 deaths per day (these are official figures from the World Health Organization)? Reference:
http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs211/fr/ (check as the epidemic seasonal)
why all the media world they repeat every day that the flu virus H1N1 will cause a massacre victims, while the facts show that this a simple grippette (less serious than the regular seasonal flu) that has only 2,000 deaths in more than five months? Ordinary influenza would have made during that same period, 200,000 people! Reference:
http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_09_18/en/index.html (in the cumulative table to September 13, we read a number of 3486 deaths. In other words, a ridiculous number of deaths compared to the regular flu (and I note that the southern hemisphere is coming out of winter! We should have killed millions of people in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Australia, according to predictions WHO! Where are they?)
why Despite these figures of morbidity and mortality insignificant (2,000 instead of 200,000), most countries of the world have placed orders for astronomical hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine, and this, in the month of June 2009? References: not need references. You've all heard in your usual media. As a reminder, France has ordered 94 million doses, Belgium has ordered 12.6 million doses, Switzerland 13 million doses, the U.S. 195 million doses, 50.4 million doses Canada and Quebec 11 million doses.
http://fr.reuters.com/article/topNews/idFRPAE56802W20090709?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true other words, why does it take exceptional measures in place this year, while the flu is less virulent than other years? What, in fact justify such decisions when there is nothing special? References:
http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-societe/2009-07-26/bernard-debre-cette-grippette-n-est-pas-dangereuse/920/0/364510 why laws except (martial law) they have already been passed in most countries (without revealing the content)? References:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7fhmd_la-loi-martiale-en-europe- cest-poss_news http://www.lepouvoirmondial.com/media/02/00/774271779.pdf http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2007:303:0001:0016:FR:PDF http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc .ca / dynamicSearch / telecharge.php? type = 2 & file = / S_2_2/S2_2.html (see Acts 123 and 126, adopted recently)
why the French Interior Minister he said all reservists the army and gendarmerie in February 2009, for (I quote) "serious social unrest planned for late summer 2009" (that is to say, September)? Reference: (again, I was wrong. They are the police reservists who have been recalled. But that does not change the substance of the question: why?). I have two references: the site that broke the story (and who has received confirmation from the National Mission for the Civil Reserve):
http://revelations4.blogs.fr/page_8.html # a241517 and when Similarly, the reference official Department of the Interior:
http://www.interieur.gouv.fr/misill/sections/minatrec/actualites/ , but you can not access because it requires a password. Notice to hackers: a good challenge for you, right? In any case, you can check the date: 18/03/2009! Before the launch of Operation Pandemic!
why the U.S. military has been deployed throughout the United States? Reference:
http://www.progressive.org/wx081209b.html (this article mentions that the Pentagon wants to increase the number of its workforce to about 400,000 on the ground. But the majority of the military is already deployed. It must now be approved by the Congress, in retrospect - as they often do).
why more than 800 concentration camps were they installed in the United States in recent years (for the moment, they are empty)? Why are they managed by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), which occurs during major disasters on the territory (as when Hurricane Katrina)? References:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=12793 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-645 http : / / www.alterinfo.net/La-police-et-les-militaires-s-entrainent-a-arreter-les-refractaires-au-vaccin_a36855.html (this link explains that the U.S. military has trained to put roadblocks in place identification bracelets with RFID chips to those willing to take the vaccine and others in concentration camps (for quarantine). Sensitive souls, abstain.
why hundreds of thousands of coffins are they stored in all U.S. states and why the graves were dug in each district? Reference:
http://www.mecanopolis.org/?p=886 . Quebec, meanwhile, has just presented to the public order of 10,000 body bags to wrap the corpses of those killed by the pandemic:
http://lcn.canoe.ca/lcn/infos/national/archives/ 2009/09/20090918-170546.html. small detail: These bags are ordered since 2005!
why 600 British neurologists have they received, July 29 2009, a confidential letter from the Health Protection Agency (HPA), inviting them to be particularly attentive to the future increase the Guillain Barre syndrome (extremely serious degenerative neurological disease mostly triggered by the vaccine act)? And why does this agency does not warn the public that will "benefit" of this vaccination campaign? Reference:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1206807/Swine-flu-jab-link-killer-nerve-disease-Leaked-letter-reveals-concern-neurologists-25-deaths-America . html how is it that March 5, 2009, the firm Baxter has 72 kg of contaminated material vaccine, mixing the H5N1 avian influenza H3N2 and ordinary flu, before sending them in six different countries, while security procedures in the laboratory make this kind of accident nearly impossible? Impossible unless the act is voluntary and that laboratories do not follow safety procedures. In both cases, this mixture is considered by experts as extremely serious. Such a mixture would never have happened! Reference:
http://www.lepost.fr/article/2009/05/04/1521964_virus-h5n1-la-societe-baxter-confirme-qu-elle-a- factory-the-product-contamine.html http://newsoftomorrow.org/spip.php?article5231 why do not we say that the vaccine against influenza, for 40 years there, never had a positive impact on the incidence of this disease, instead? An international study showed that vaccinated caught the flu more often than non-vaccinated. Reference:
http://www.cochrane.org/index.htm (sorry, I have found references to the study site, but I know it's on this site. If somebody one finds it, thank you for the return).
why we hiding there in 1918, they are vaccinated persons who died of English flu, not the non-vaccinated? Would it they say were killed by the vaccine itself, not the flu? Reference:
http://www.whale.to/vaccine/sf1.html if vaccines have so few side effects how the health authorities do they explain that the number of multiple sclerosis in France rose from 25,000 to 85,000, following the vaccination campaign against hepatitis B? Reference: (taken flight in the emission of France 24 in the position of Dr. Girard, yet a supporter of vaccination):
http://www.france24.com/fr/20090818-wbfrdebat19h10m090818flv-Grippe+A+% 29% 28H1N1-France-Europe and http: / / A + www.france24.com/fr/20090818-wbfrdebat19h33m090818flv-Grippe+% 29% 28H1N1-France-Europe why we hide it be said that all outbreaks of the twentieth century were triggered by previous vaccination campaigns? Reference:
http://www.vaccinationdebate.com/web2.html (to take only one of many references) allows
why do we put in the future vaccine against H1N1, an admixture squalene (a ratio of one million times more important - I rechecked the calculations, because I could not believe it!), while the House of Representatives had recognized explicitly responsible for the syndrome of the first Gulf War syndrome who had delivered 180,000 GIs patients (25 % Of soldiers) after injection of the vaccine against anthrax? Note that squalene was banned by a federal judge in 2004! Reference:
http://www.rense.com/general87/mill.htm why the first people targeted for vaccination they are pregnant and children, whereas usually it is the old one is? They, apparently, have an immune memory of the English flu of 1918! Reference (among others):
http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-06-16-swine-flu-vaccine_N.htm why the procedures of compulsory vaccination will it be left, not to physicians, but to students and volunteers of the military? Reference (for France):
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/imprimer_element/0 0.40-0 @ 2-3224 0.50-1232309, 0.html
why no doctor and no hospital can provide vaccines themselves? They would be afraid of false certificates? Reference (for France):
http://www.sante-jeunesse-sports.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Circulaire_vaccination_090824.pdf why 50% of British doctors say they refuse to be vaccinated with the new vaccine, because they do not trust the process of preparation? Reference:
http://www.healthcarerepublic.com/news/935745/Exclusive-GPs-may-reject-swine-flu-vaccine/ http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=35 & storycode = 4123491 & c = 2 this why do we as an antiviral Tamiflu effective, while all the campaigns use of this product proved disastrously ineffective? In addition, this drug causes many psychological disorders and neural resources to the point of suicide in number among those who consume! Reference:
http://www.lemonde.fr/cgi-bin/ACHATS/acheter.cgi ? offer = ARCHIVES & type_item = ART_ARCH_30J = 1094176 & objet_id http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/339/aug10_1/b3172 (see conclusion)
http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and- families/health-news/tamiflu-researchers-warn-of-child-nightmares-1765431.html why health authorities, meant to wish our good and our protection, they allow a new type of vaccine (it is their words) is directly tested on hundreds of millions of guinea pigs (that is to say, us), without the normal protocols of marketing are respected, and no guarantee of safety of that vaccine? References: http
: / / www.santelog.com/modules/connaissances/actualite-sante-essais-cliniques-du-vaccin-anti-ah1n1-12.000-enfants-américains-concernés-_1683.htm 3. Why put all this in place? Who is behind all this? The introduction of a new world order, with one government (dictatorship, of course), have you ever heard? No? So you have a few decades behind in your information. Sorry for the shock to some. But here we are. Everything is in place. It was just a pretext to impose martial law and you'll have it! And that excuse is a pandemic which will precipitate the media public to think that saving vaccines, while it is this biological weapon that will kill us. But as we think it's because it is the mutation of the virus which is causing even more people will flock to this weapon fatale.Je said. The vaccine against influenza has nothing to do with vaccines known so far. It is a weapon made with the complicity of laboratoires.Vous need not fear the H1N1 virus (highly contagious, virulent bit). Australia coming out of winter takes stock. Read this.
http://www.letemps.ch/Facet/print/Uuid/0b73e836-86b5-11de-ba6b-55431382b543/Grippe_AH1N1_les_le #% 23% E7ons_australiennes There were very few deaths (88 deaths, for a population of 20 million), because they had no vaccine. That next winter (June to September 2010) they will be exterminated, when the vaccine will be available for them également.Je do not care to go crazy. I just ask you one thing. Take several hours to discuss my sources. Then, when the campaign will start, ask yourself one thing: the person who just died, she received the vaccine? Has received an antiviral (Tamiflu style)? If at any time, the answer is yes, you will know for sure the cause of mort.Bienvenue in the world of George Orwell (a former secret service who wrote 1984 to warn us before it's too late ). Some quotes to convince you?
first, that of Sarkozy, who is hiding even more to talk about new world order:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfYLwLiVHtA and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXhEp7dhvw&feature=related that Attali, dated May 3, 2009:
http://blogs.lexpress.fr/attali/2009/05/changer-par-precaution.php that of David Rockefeller, who speaks of depopulation:
http:/ / www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XrGINLd_r8 that Obama, who also speak (oh, you thought Obama was different, would you?):
http://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = ho-0SHFEgGo even Pope Benedict XVI calls for the establishment a world political authority in his last encyclical. So, even if it gets started, what can you do? This is where the output of this crazy world?
http://www.nouvelordremondial.cc/2009/07/26/benoit-xvi-veut-une-reforme-de-lonu-et-une-autorite-politique-mondiale/ Another explanation, more short-term , was suggested to me by one of my correspondents, whom I thank. Here it is: Friends, it's late. Very late. We Sept. 17, 2009. In 13 days, September 30, 2009, the largest military corporation in the world, the United States of America shall deposit the balance of its fiscal year 2008-2009 <
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki / Fiscal_year # United_States >. If the corporation military can not get away with sleight-of-place as last year (bailouts), it will have no choice but to: 1. officially declare bankruptcy and liquidate its assets <
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wkmMTelG9E&hl=fr > (the American people) 2. invest, ie based on guerre.Ouvrez eyes, because I do not think there will be bailouts this year. We will see: 1. population (active) delivered food to the creditors of the bankrupt country where she works 2. Event "sudden" <
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axNCQo-t3Oo > offering an "opportunity" to workers (the American people, and all NATO <
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_du_trait% C3% A9_de_l% 27Atlantique_Nord > after him) of the corporation to return to military work (in war). For those who do not understand what I write, start here <
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=07718AC5E18025F1 >. If in addition to not understanding what I write, you think I'm crazy, so start here rather <
http://www.geostrategie.com/1906/le-capitalisme-en-crise-a-besoin- d% E2% 80% 99A-conflict-military-major . "What? Disobey <
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D% C3% A9sob% C3% A9issance_civile > and find it difficult to disobey <
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exp% C3 % A9rience_de_Milgram . "That, dear friends. I just spent over twelve hours to write this document. Make good use. Take time to read and study everything I gave you. There is nothing more important as an activity that: INFORM YOU. It is in your life and that of your children (the main target, I remind you). Spread it to everyone around. Hold meetings in your network of relationships. It is urgent. The media go wild to paralyze us in fear of a hypnotic danger comes not from where we were shown. We must organize ourselves to say no to the horror that people have criticized me prépare.Plusieurs myself to play the same game for fear the media. First, it give me much more power than I have. Then I want to explain what I do. In my lectures, I often compare the human body to a house, each room symbolizing an organ. And we all live our house, trying to keep the inside clean in the best possible. Suddenly, we alert the media, saying (with a lot of hype) that rats extremely dangerous (the virus) will invade our house. And we're all on alert, all very worried. We constantly look out the window, under the furniture in the basement, to repel the invaders which we are told that it can be fatal. But most of those who were visited by rats show that mice are small, thin and spindly, more harmless than usual. Fortunately, the media promised us that soon we will be given the solution to all: a huge hammer, bigger than the house, will mercilessly crush the rats dangerously fatal! And we do not realize that the hammer will crush our homes and therefore tuer.Dans us this little story, you understand that the media and pharmaceutical companies make you horribly afraid with rats (which are not dangerous!) and divert your attention from the real danger.Mon role and that of many other is to tell you that the danger is that the hammer is going to impose and will crush you. I inform you, not to scare you but to warn you when it comes danger.Pour conclusion, I invite you to review the document found in an attachment (mortality rate Australia). It shows that all infectious diseases have declined drastically BEFORE the development of a vaccine (90% decrease before the invention of each vaccine). And this is true for all countries of the world, not just Australia. There is even a disease, scarlet fever, which was eradicated without the invention of a vaccine! When we do come over us believe that we owe our salvation to the invention of vaccines. This is the biggest lie of all history of medicine. It is only to improve hygiene conditions that we have the disappearance of infectious diseases. Nothing else. By cons, we can thank the vaccines have exploded the number of multiple sclerosis, cases of autism, sudden infant death syndrome, Guillain Barre syndromes, neurodegenerative diseases, of autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease (because of the presence of aluminum in vaccines), and passe.Je I also invite you to read two-page document written by my friend Lanctot, author of the Medical Mafia.
http://www.personocratia.com/panda/modules/JournalPersonocratia/documents_joints/vaccination_101_fra__24jul09doc.pdf Me, my job ends here, today. Again, I do not ask you my word. The best thing you could do for your immune system is this:
definitely turn your TV, because fear is the most potent immunosuppressive !
go walking in nature, in parks, breathe, relax
do things that make you feel good. You see friends (as long as we are free to come together), make love, do you rent movies funny
take vitamin D, put yourself in the sun, whenever that will be especially possibleMais, stand conscious and alert. Show the powerful of this world that you are human beings worthy and powerful. And you're tired you do not care about your gueule.Je greet you with coeurJean-Jacques CrèvecoeurMontréal this Sept. 20, 2009