Just a moment ... December 2007 ... ...
Mirror of Samantabhadra
Mirror of Samantabhadra
"O Noble son, Listen!
No phenomenon no longer exists as a reflection of the moon in water.
Everything that appears, internal events, external events,
Appears as a projection of the mind unborn. Also there is no
Samsara or Nirvana
Neither birth nor death, neither
appearance or disappearance.
On the waters of the mind, only the race is run phenomena,
Like, every night ride the sky in the lake.
The mind, like a mirror, reflects the world
It is the lake facing the sky.
Knowing this, the wise practitioner knows that there is no path to liberation,
Neither are implemented.
Seeing this, O Son of Noble Family, The
accomplished practitioner based in the same spirit.
As no one can enter the reflection of the moon crossing the lake,
No phenomenon can be garnished.
Knowing this, the practitioner advised
Contemplate phenomena without attachment, aversion or
Without ignorance.
The meditator himself to himself is a reflection on the waters of the mind,
Knowing this, the prudent practitioner realizes that he is without body, refreshes
Thus there Dharmakaya.
Considering his own reflection, the practitioner advised realizes the nature of the Emanation Body,
So he updates the sambhogakaya.
finally seeing that he himself is reflected in the waters of any lake,
The practitioner understands the nature of the notified body appearance,
As he works to update the nirmanakaya.
When he realized that the practitioner's mind is a reflection in the waters of the unborn spirit,
The practitioner advised the practice without-mind.
Then he collapses to the last trick,
And contemplating anything inside or outside
As reflected in the waters of the unborn spirit,
The practitioner performs the omnipresence of the Source, the ultimate master . For
lorsqu'est clearly perceived that everything exists only as a reflection,
The mirror of the mind appears and can be known.
At the heart of the mirror,
spirit unborn who plans everything,
And that everything is reflected,
Is the heart of Buddha.
Remaining in contemplation of the nature of the mind unborn,
The practitioner begins, without meditation, without intervening or correcting
to contemplate the emergence and transformation of the world.
When it is clearly realized that everything has the status of reflection
The source is revealed.
If one remains in the source without altering the activity
The heart Buddha himself can be known.
When you know the heart of the Buddha, without identifying the Buddha,
Everything ends, the back waters of the river,
And the lake opens like a single eye.
So clear that there is only mind unborn,
which nobody was never separated. "
Preview of" Mirror of Samantabhadra "
by Selwa Tertön Rank Chung-
Prajnâpâramiâ Hridaya - The Heart of Perfect Wisdom -
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