Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dinosor King Card Maker

Pandemic H1N1

This Friday, September 11, 2009,
Hello everyone! with all that said what we see in the media about the H1N1 pandemic it is important to inform s to make informed decisions. In the following lines you will read different things regarding this subject, so I suggest you do your own research so you can be ready in the coming months.
A message from Jean-Jacques Crevecoeur on the topic:
Dear Friends, I promised to inform you. That's what I do. Until the release of my first video capsule, I am writing. Because it's stronger than me. And because our days are numbered. The purpose of this email is double.Premier goal: I want to remind you Montreal holding a special congress to be held this Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. (Toronto time). This congress is the first conference on Freedom of Choice in Health. If you're away from Montreal, you can follow online all the course of this conference, live and in différé.Si you want to know what Congress will address this, click on the link announcing the event: http:// Familiar health policies in both North America and Europe, I assure you that you will find lots of information that apply to our reality. Only the names of different laws and ministers. But these are the same pharmaceutical companies that impose their unjust laws and draconian become puppets to politicians and men of straw. If you want to understand what lies ahead in the coming months, please, take the time to attend this conference. It's just your health, your freedom and your life that are jeu.Pour subscribe, click on the link below: And if you still believe naively that the plan of compulsory vaccination will not take place, I invite you to try to answer the questions I ask myself since I have this issue swine influenza. This is the second objective of this email, you share some of my many questions and queries about this famous H1N1 pandemic, and invite you to answer for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
why Ms. Bachelot (Minister of Health in France) she asked in early February 2009, a group of constitutional lawyers, a memo on the following question: the imposition of a vaccination plan to the entire population would it illegal and unconstitutional? This what the experts have reassured, citing an exceptional situation and a public health emergency is justified ample that removes all personal freedoms!
why the World Health Organization has it changed, April 27, 2009, the definition of the pandemic? Previously, to declare a pandemic, the constraints were much more severe! Now it's just that the disease was identified in two countries of a zone WHO!
how is it that the patent of the vaccine against swine influenza (H1N1) was introduced in 2007 (well before the resurgence of the virus disappeared from the infamous English flu epidemic in 1918)?
by President Sarkozy what chance he had the intuition to go sign a contract investment amounting to 100 million euros, March 9, 2009, for the construction of a factory manufacturing vaccines against the flu? And guess where! In Mexico, where precisely the focus of the pandemic has arisen!
why no media and no scientist will recall that the ordinary flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people, more than 1,000 deaths per day (these are official figures from the World Health Organization)?
why all the media world they repeat every day that the flu virus H1N1 will cause a massacre victims, while the facts show that it is a simple grippette (Less serious than the regular seasonal flu) that has only 2,000 deaths in more than five months? Ordinary influenza would have made during that same period, 200,000 people!
why, despite these figures of morbidity and mortality insignificant (2,000 instead of 200,000), most countries of the world have placed orders for astronomical hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine, and this, in the month of June 2009 ?
other words, why does it take exceptional measures in place this year, while the flu is less virulent than other years? What, in fact justify such decisions when there is nothing special?
why emergency laws (martial law) they have already been passed in most countries (without revealing the content)?
why the French Interior Minister he recalled all army reservists and police in February 2009, for (I quote) "serious social unrest planned for late summer 2009" (that is to say September)?
why the U.S. military has been deployed throughout the United States?
why more than 800 concentration camps were they installed in the United States in recent years (for the moment, they are empty)? Why are they managed by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), which occurs during major disasters on the territory (as when Hurricane Katrina)?
why hundreds of thousands of coffins are they stored in all U.S. states and why the graves were dug in each district?
why 600 British neurologists have they received, July 29, 2009, a confidential letter from the Health Protection Agency (HPA), inviting them to be particularly attentive to the future increase the Guillain Barre syndrome (degenerative neurological disease triggered most of the extremely serious by time to the vaccine)? And why does this agency does not warn the public that will "benefit" of this vaccination campaign?
how is it that March 5, 2009, the firm Baxter has 72 kg of contaminated vaccine material, mixing the H5N1 avian influenza H3N2 and ordinary flu, before sending them in six different countries, while security procedures in the laboratory make this kind of accident absolutely impossible? Impossible unless the act is voluntary. This was confirmed by a doctor in biology.
why do not we say that the vaccine against influenza, for 40 years there has never had a positive impact on the incidence of this disease, instead? An international study showed that vaccinated caught the flu more often than non-vaccinated.
why we hiding there in 1918, they are vaccinated persons who died of English flu, not the non-vaccinated? Would this mean that they were killed by the vaccine itself, not the flu?
if vaccines have so few side effects, health officials how do they explain that the number of multiple sclerosis in France rose from 25,000 to 85,000, following a vaccination campaign against hepatitis B?
why we hiding there that all outbreaks of the twentieth century were triggered by prior immunization?
authorizes why do we put in the future vaccine against H1N1, an adjuvant such as squalene (a ratio of one million times more important - I rechecked the calculations, because I could not believe it! ), while the House of Representatives had recognized explicitly responsible for the syndrome Gulf War syndrome who had delivered 180,000 GIs patients (25% of soldiers) after injection of the vaccine against anthrax? Note that squalene was banned by a federal judge in 2004!
why the first groups targeted for vaccination Are pregnant women and children, whereas usually it is the old one is? They, apparently, have an immune memory of the English flu of 1918!
why the procedures of compulsory vaccination will it be left, not doctors, but to students and volunteers of the military?
why no doctor and no hospital will provide the vaccines themselves? They would be afraid of false certificates?
why 50% of British doctors say they refuse to be vaccinated with the new vaccine, because they have no confidence in the procedure preparation? This
why do we as an antiviral Tamiflu effective, while all the campaigns use of this product proved disastrously ineffective? In addition, this drug causes many psychological disorders and neural resources to the point of suicide in number among those who consume!
why health authorities, meant to wish our good and our protection, they allow a new type of vaccine (these are their words) to be directly tested on hundreds of millions of guinea pigs (that means us) without the normal protocols of marketing are respected, and without warranties safety of the vaccine?
I could go on for hours. But I'll stop there, since other issues would always go in the same direction. I have no time for now, you put all the references to articles in official newspapers (Le Monde, Le Figaro, the Daily Post, the Sunday newspaper, etc..) Official sites (of WHO, Baxter, Aventis, Sanofi-Pasteur, etc.). and statements of scientific pro-vaccine I consulted! You can find them on my site, by the end of septembre.Mais I guarantee on my honor that all the questions I posed above are based only on readings of documents official and accessible to all! These are not allegations, suppositions and speculation of conspiracy theorists great! That makes it imperative to ask such a question? And draw conclusions. For my part, done. And I took position clairement.Autrement said, as we not force me to shut my mouth, I will keep you informer.Il ago by cons, a question I'll ask here and I'll answer that because many of my interlocutors do not understand this (I have received hundreds of emails a week! Thanks to those who called me a poor bastard and manipulator. Thank you especially to anyone who relayed the information to tens of thousands of people in Europe and Canada. Thank you especially to all those who pray for me, for now. I was very touched and moved.) The question is how a virus Benin also going to go about killing millions of people? That's the question a million dollars! Well this is the history of pandemics of the past which gives us the answer. The recipe is simple (twelve-step, already successfully tested in 1918):
it was announced that an outbreak of a new flu has just appeared in Mexico and it's very serious because it an animal virus that was transmitted to man!
is then announced 350 deaths in one week, then to correct the count to 8 deaths. But everybody has accepted that there had been many deaths from the beginning (it does remind you of anything, this: September 11th, we announced on television from 40 to 50,000 deaths in the Twin Towers - which has justified crusade against the forces of evil - then we have revised the death toll to 2974);
was announced to great fanfare daily that this terrible virus is spreading at an incredible rate over the entire planet (while also , no laboratory in the world does the virus strain to confirm that it is this virus is involved, and no ordinary virus - is also recognized that swine flu poses no specific symptoms compared to those of ordinary flu - so how do they count the number of cases??);
by the lack of virulence of that virus, we are told that this kind virus (eventually) will mutate and will become very nasty, and we know that it will mutate to a date states (the output of vaccines, what a coincidence anyway!)
all this time, products are prepared in the laboratory which they say they are vaccines, and in which we mix two strains of swine flu, two strains of avian and human influenza strain (cocktail quite explosive when it is injected into the body!). In addition, we add (in greater quantities than usual) adjuvants (mercury, aluminum and squalene), known for their high toxicity;
shortly before the release of the so-called vaccines (which are really here, BW), the media go wild to tell us that there is an upsurge in flu cases. Even if doctors do not take the trouble to check whether this is the same virus, the people are so mesmerized that he does not think more. He is convinced that the change announced is coming true;
it also announces that all vaccines are not available immediately and there will be lucky who can benefit immediately, and others will wait up to four months finally receiving the life-saving vaccine! Note that we're here for the moment in the chronology of events.
right out of the first biological weapons disguised as vaccinations, the good people scared to be vaccinated voluntarily short, in centers specially prepared for this purpose (and supervised by the military). Here in Canada, people sign up on waiting lists to be sure to be among the first vaccinated!
from the injection of the vaccine, cocktails carefully prepared by the laboratory results in the transformation and combination of different strains in the patient's body, making them extremely deadly virus. At the same time, builders have put on the ground the immune system. The Tamiflu will be used to cause a secondary infection (cases already reported in several countries) resulting in immediate death of the person. Consequence: there will be thousands of dead among the first vaccinated populations;
we will say that, unfortunately, what we feared has happened: the virus has mutated into a lethal form. We attribute the cause of death to the virus, and not nice vaccine supposed to protect us! A panic seized the people who will claim that the vaccinia emergency
given the severity of the health situation, given the troubles caused, firstly by those who claim their strong vaccine, other hand by those who accuse the health authorities of genocide, a state of emergency is declared across the country and the compulsory vaccination plan will be implemented;
those who refuse to be vaccinated will have to hide or disappear for a while long enough, unless we take them away in concentration camps for that purpose.
This scenario, I am writing to you on the night of 9 to 10 September 2009. I do not do at all with a light coeur.Je know some of you blame me feed the fear that is already created by the elites of light, and ultimately make the game of those I criticize. To that I will quote one sentence of Jesus Christ (although I no longer belong to any religion) "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free! "(John 8:32). I offer here a summary of everything I read for five months (two months full time). My goal this is for you to decipher the information that are hidden from us (even if they are publicly available - do your research with Google - you'll see!), so you do not cédiez to panic when the carnage begins. So you understand what is the real cause of what you verrez.Maintenant, what can we do, you say? For now, the thing that seems most important is that you release this information to ALL your contacts. Print this email, cut it into pieces if it seems too long, give it to all your friends, everyone you know. If you are parents of children going to school, set up immediately Committees of resistance to this genocidal plan. In two months it will be too late. And you should know that schools will be looped in order to vaccinate your children. If you are not organized now, you poor November 15, when the plan will start. Go talk to all officers at all because you know that policemen, too, are kept in ignorance of this plan (and they will not be vaccinated with the same products, not to fall sick, them!). Explain that they will participate, unwittingly programmed to genocide against the population. Remember that if the Nazis were able to deport as many people to death camps because they have benefited from the help of French police who did not understand what was happening. Go talk to your political representatives also because most of them do not know what is happening. Ask them not to cooperate, to sabotage the plan to destroy the population files, so that the identification of vaccinated and unvaccinated tête.Cette becomes a jigsaw activity should be your priority. Because the only way to stop this evil plan is to assemble a critical mass of conscious people. Gandhi said he does not "a conscious individual and standing is far more dangerous to the powers that be that 10,000 individuals sleeping and unaware. "I'm convinced. By cons, do not waste your time with senior executives of the state, mass media and experts paid (purchased) by pharmaceutical companies. Do not waste your time with the skeptics, the hopeless from the small screen for which only the word media is the gospel. Beware of their reaction, because they might accuse you of trying to kill them by preventing them from being vacciner.Et if you're scared by reading my email, turn that fear into action, movement. It's always the way that humanity has made leaps in its development: while transforming his fear the fire control fire that man invented the technique. Here the stakes are high: while transforming your fear of death that you can access a new dimension, a new vibration. Remember that we are not material beings living spiritual experiences. We are spiritual beings living the fabulous experience of the incarnation. Personally, I am very aware that I risk taking this position, uncovered. Lately, I live with the prospect that I might no longer be of this world in the coming weeks. And I discovered a fabulous view to my existence. I often asked myself the question of how theory: if I had one year to live, what lifestyle choices I make so I can enter into death calmly and without regret? Today, that question is no longer theoretical for me. And I realize that many of my values become even more radical. And a lot of things that caused me concern become so high ... And this phrase of St. Matthew resounds in my head that your yes be yes, your nay, no, (Matthew 5:37). Will we able to say no to infamy, at the risk of our physical life? Will we be able to say yes to what our soul tells us to do? Will we be able to put us standing, whatever the cost? This is the gift that the pandemic plan that we offer in late 2009. If we rise to the challenge (and I know we are), this vaccine is our philosopher's stone in alchemy and transform us, to realize the great oeuvre.Restons conscients.Je up and greet you with coeur.Jean- Jacques Crèvecoeur

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