Like myself, you no doubt receive a ton of nonsense in your email and classes directly in the events.
But TODAY, I received an extraordinary new ...
impossible not to share it with you ...
------- Original Message -------
Subject: Fw: A gift of an epidemic!
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:53 PM
Subject: A gift of an epidemic!
Subject: new epidemic of happiness!
A global epidemic is currently spreading at a dizzying pace.
OMB (World Organization of Welfare) provides that billions of people will be infected within ten years.
The symptoms of this devastating disease:
1 - Tendency to be guided by his personal intuition rather than acting under pressure from fears, myths and packaging of the past.
2 - Complete lack of interest in judging others, to judge yourself and interested in anything that generates conflict.
3 - Complete loss of ability to worry (this is one of the most severe symptoms).
4 - Pleasure ground to appreciate the things and beings as they are, which leads to the disappearance of the habit of wanting to change others.
5 - intense desire to transform itself to positively manage their thoughts, emotions, physical body, his life and his physical environment to constantly develop its potential health, creativity and love.
6 - Repeated attacks smile, that smile that says "thank you" and gives a sense of unity and harmony with all living things.
7 - Open to the growing spirit of childhood, simplicity, laughter and gaiety.
8 - Moments increasingly frequent communication with his conscious soul, Non-Dual ... Being, which gives a pleasant feeling of fullness and happiness.
9 - Pleasure to act as healer who brings joy and light, rather than critical or indifferent.
10 - Ability to live alone, in couples, families and society in the fluidity and equality, without playing neither victims nor executioners, nor saviors.
11 - Feeling happy and feel responsible to offer the world's dreams of a future abundant, harmonious and peaceful.
12 - Acceptance of Total's presence on earth and will to choose at every moment, the beautiful, the good, the true and living.
If you want to continue living in fear, dependence, conflict, disease and conformism, avoid contact with people with these symptoms. This disease is extremely contagious!
If you already have symptoms, know that your condition is probably irreversible.
The medical treatments may temporarily remove some symptoms but may not object to the inevitable progression of evil.
No vaccine is happiness.
As the disease causes a loss of happiness for fear of dying, which is one of the central beliefs of the modern materialistic society, social unrest may occur such as:
- strikes the mind aggressive and need to be right,
-gatherings of people happy to sing, dance and celebrate life,
- sharing circles and healing,
- fits of laughter and sessions of collective emotional release emotional.
Thanks to Christiane, Isle sur la Sorgue, for letting me share this happy news ...
But TODAY, I received an extraordinary new ...
impossible not to share it with you ...
------- Original Message -------
Subject: Fw: A gift of an epidemic!
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:53 PM
Subject: A gift of an epidemic!
Subject: new epidemic of happiness!
A global epidemic is currently spreading at a dizzying pace.
OMB (World Organization of Welfare) provides that billions of people will be infected within ten years.
The symptoms of this devastating disease:
1 - Tendency to be guided by his personal intuition rather than acting under pressure from fears, myths and packaging of the past.
2 - Complete lack of interest in judging others, to judge yourself and interested in anything that generates conflict.
3 - Complete loss of ability to worry (this is one of the most severe symptoms).
4 - Pleasure ground to appreciate the things and beings as they are, which leads to the disappearance of the habit of wanting to change others.
5 - intense desire to transform itself to positively manage their thoughts, emotions, physical body, his life and his physical environment to constantly develop its potential health, creativity and love.
6 - Repeated attacks smile, that smile that says "thank you" and gives a sense of unity and harmony with all living things.
7 - Open to the growing spirit of childhood, simplicity, laughter and gaiety.
8 - Moments increasingly frequent communication with his conscious soul, Non-Dual ... Being, which gives a pleasant feeling of fullness and happiness.
9 - Pleasure to act as healer who brings joy and light, rather than critical or indifferent.
10 - Ability to live alone, in couples, families and society in the fluidity and equality, without playing neither victims nor executioners, nor saviors.
11 - Feeling happy and feel responsible to offer the world's dreams of a future abundant, harmonious and peaceful.
12 - Acceptance of Total's presence on earth and will to choose at every moment, the beautiful, the good, the true and living.
If you want to continue living in fear, dependence, conflict, disease and conformism, avoid contact with people with these symptoms. This disease is extremely contagious!
If you already have symptoms, know that your condition is probably irreversible.
The medical treatments may temporarily remove some symptoms but may not object to the inevitable progression of evil.
No vaccine is happiness.
As the disease causes a loss of happiness for fear of dying, which is one of the central beliefs of the modern materialistic society, social unrest may occur such as:
- strikes the mind aggressive and need to be right,
-gatherings of people happy to sing, dance and celebrate life,
- sharing circles and healing,
- fits of laughter and sessions of collective emotional release emotional.
Thanks to Christiane, Isle sur la Sorgue, for letting me share this happy news ...
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