Wherever we are,
walking, communicating with others,
listening to a lecture, music,
writing, reading books that attract us ...
or notes from our friends ...
are we truly "present"
are we really in "the here and now?
* * *
[...] "You've probably all heard the phrase" here and now. "
If we consider as an intellectual ideal, it sounds wonderful.
But when we take it as a theme for meditation, we realize the difficulty of experience. For example, right now, how many of us are really present "here and now?
Our body is, but we are also with our minds?
Maybe some of you are thinking: "Oh, I must leave soon, I live far away, do not I miss the train ... "You're not really" here "with us!
And what about "now"?
We can ask how many are attentive and really listen, we hear words, but it is also often a little voice that says, "Oh, that's interesting, so I already knew, this is stupid .. .! "
Thus, these simple words" here and now, if we examine them with an intellectual, nor are ultimately philosophical or psychological.
Yet when we really try to implement this practice can become a lifetime ... be "here and now."
In the practice of meditation ... and this time, I'm not talking about meditation itself but to its practice (in fact, meditation can be practiced, but only carried out) ... it does not really matter whether we are not able to achieve this state of presence "here and now", but is in its exercise that we discover what truly great journey of meditation.
Like when I asked you earlier if you were present here and now ", I was not trying to establish a ruling on this, but I just tried to call a certain awareness. Are we "here"? "Now"? Maybe
than we think, but are we really?
When we observe this process, we can just see things that prevent us from being. That is the practice of meditation that gives us understanding, wisdom and ability to see things as they are. "[...]
Ajahn Tiradhammo
Texts Excerpts from Selected
@: http://www.vipassana.fr/Textes/AjahnTiradhammoLartDeMediter.htm
And what about "now"?
We can ask how many are attentive and really listen, we hear words, but it is also often a little voice that says, "Oh, that's interesting, so I already knew, this is stupid .. .! "
Thus, these simple words" here and now, if we examine them with an intellectual, nor are ultimately philosophical or psychological.
Yet when we really try to implement this practice can become a lifetime ... be "here and now."
In the practice of meditation ... and this time, I'm not talking about meditation itself but to its practice (in fact, meditation can be practiced, but only carried out) ... it does not really matter whether we are not able to achieve this state of presence "here and now", but is in its exercise that we discover what truly great journey of meditation.
Like when I asked you earlier if you were present here and now ", I was not trying to establish a ruling on this, but I just tried to call a certain awareness. Are we "here"? "Now"? Maybe
than we think, but are we really?
When we observe this process, we can just see things that prevent us from being. That is the practice of meditation that gives us understanding, wisdom and ability to see things as they are. "[...]
Ajahn Tiradhammo
Texts Excerpts from Selected
@: http://www.vipassana.fr/Textes/AjahnTiradhammoLartDeMediter.htm
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