Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Jewish Wedding Programtemplate

Ghirardini, the company that bothered?

No, just cleaning the electoral zone in the Chamonix valley totally gangstérisée but it must remain invisible. A lawless zone, or the underworld "Gaullist" do what they want. Recover businesses that work? only if it is to make money easy, as is the case with the usurpation of the label "first trilogy winter lonely faces Northern Great Jorasses, the Matterhorn and the Eiger." That's why I get out of a pub and say loudly: No
, Profit has not done that first. The media "Gaullists were in misinformation and theft.
As in Cesena is a scam pure with the complicity of ENSA, the Stolzenberg, from vertical (Glénat), the Italian manufacturers, on behalf of the underworld who was shot twice Chamonix: creation of a competitor brand and a market recovery, elimination of a nuisance. The

Chiraquie is the theft and scams everywhere it goes, it's easy money and murder is not a problem, it is theft, terrorism administrative Mafia blackmail and intimidation, the corruption. Enough is enough!

I filed a complaint against Jacques Chirac for criminal practices I have experienced from 1986 to 1988 and from 1993 in a transaction cleaning area, including murder. The damage caused amounted to 30 million euros. All decisions taken at these periods by an accomplice Justice 100% have no legal value, and judges who made them must be brought before a court of assizes. Any network should be dismantled! Lawyers, tax, urssaf, organic, banks, local politicians, police, media, ... the household must be done in 74.


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