Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can You Take A Shower With Tiffany Bracelet On

No to torture! Bush will not come to Switzerland!

Resistance always pays : -will-not-a-geneve-le-weekend-prochain.html # id = 2939151

February 5, 2011

Bush in Geneva : everything is going very badly, Baroness!

George W. Bush does not come to Geneva. According to La Tribune the day, the association


prefer to cancel this appointment. Is it because the former president is in the U.S. hit a complaint for crimes against humanity? Is it because it allowed torture in U.S. prisons, Egyptian or Syrian? Not! Two reasons are given by counsel for the Jewish association. "The comments made in respect of our association we are disgusted." And "There was no question of playing with the safety of people and goods in Geneva." A way as another of exculpate himself and especially George W. decriminalize Bush. We note but note that in both these reasons, there is no basis to Mr. Robert Equey, lawyer KH

, insulting the UDC speaking of "hints increasingly nauseating" and "incestuous relationship between extreme left and extreme right." The approach Baettig Dominique and I have business does not depend on an anti-Americanism own leftists of all stripes. It attacked a politician, belonging to a complaint to the International Court of Justice and the obligation of Switzerland to arrest him for his permission to torture. An approach that allows us to control the real independence of our country vis-à-vis the U.S. after the disastrous performance of Ms. Micheline Calmy-Rey on the issue of UBS. To show our true motivation, I publish the letter

I sent yesterday (ie before knowing the decision of KH ) to Baroness de Rothschild. Today it is useless and so much the better. Remains my request to the Attorney General. She asked him to intervene for a specific event. I will write shortly to clarify that any coming of Bush's son in Geneva is subject to arrest.

Eric Bertinat

11, avenue Henri-Golay 1203 - Geneva

to Madam

Nadine Rothschild

Route 30 Pregny 1292 Chambésy February 12, tell George W. Bush that he must stay at his ranch!


A Genevan citizen and member can contact the following query:

Call George W. Bush and dissuade him from going to Geneva next February 12th!

The extent of your address book is known and I really think you can help resolve a difficult situation for the many stakeholders involved in its coming. And thus spare the Genevois many clashes already announced on the public square. Avoid him a possible arrest, which is by far not excluded! The arrival of George W. Bush at the airport of Geneva-Cointrin be publicized and known worldwide. This character undermines the image of the established Jewish community in Geneva. And even that of Israel and its security on its southern border. Reality proves that the Egyptian street revolts not only against her but against President Mubarak outsourcing

program of torture and rendition extraordinary took place on Egyptian soil and Syria during the Bush years (see Amnesty International report on this subject ( 1 ). I called the Attorney General, Daniel Zappelli, to intervene to enforce the Convention against Torture which Switzerland has signed. I invite you to visit my blog (

2 )

and draws your attention to comments that I nauseating considered offensive and I hope that you will not share content. Awaiting your kind reply, please accept, Madam, in my early appreciation and my highest consideration.

Eric Bertinat


http:// / en / themes / war-against-the-terrorism / flight-secrets-of-the-cia

2 dollon.html-

Alain Bovard, lawyer for the Swiss section of Amnesty International, said the organization recently asked the United States opening an investigation into war crimes committed by George W. Bush.

latter wrote in his recent autobiography, decisive moments, to have authorized such acts of torture is to simulate drowning during interrogations.

There is evidence that other kinds of torture were taking place, including Abbou Ghraib, Egypt, Tunisia, Yugoslavia , Morocco ...

early 2004 the world discovers with astonishment that the photos show abuse and infamy suffered by Iraqi prisoners held at the U.S. detention of ; Abu Ghraib. For two years, Errol Morris
investigated to discover what really happened there during the fall of 2003. Thanks to photos taken by soldiers, the testimony of several experts and people sometimes directly involved in this case, Errol Morris has reconstituted the chronology of events and discussed the background leading to these ends. Interview after interview, photo after photo, the case of the torture at Abu Ghraib takes on a much larger and far more disturbing than that brushed by the media. Even if the soldiers photographed in the process of humiliating and torturing Iraqi prisoners were sentenced, they were the only culprits? Why no senior officer has it ever been challenged? Who is really responsible?

Part 1:

http:/ / Part 2: http://www.dailymotion .com/video/x762k7_abou-ghraib-standard-operating-proc_news

As for the reasons of choice focused on the ex- U.S. president, representatives of the Foundation KH did not wish to answer our questions. ALINE GROLEY Courier -


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