Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diamo Velocity Scooter

PORTUGAL: Independent country for almost 900 years!

Small summary of the history of Independence from Portugal!

independent country, Portugal!!

In 1096, Alfonso VI of Leon, to improve the defense of the Iberian Peninsula and its recovery toward Muslims, decided to entrust Galicia (north) and "Terra Portucalense (south) at both beautiful son.

Galicia will be governed by Count Raymond of Burgundy (who married the oldest daughter of Alfonso VI, Urraca).

The Terra Portucalense "will be governed by Count Henrique of Burgundy, cousin Raymond, a direct descendant of Louis Capet and married the youngest daughter of Afonso VI, Teresa (illegitimate daughter).

The Terra Portucalense "their is granted by Alfonso VI under the conditions do not attempt to conquer the lands to the north (Galicia) and can only conquer land in the South, then in the hands of the Saracens. Importantly, this concession of territory was given as Portucalense hereditary, before returning to the legitimate descendants of the latter.

In 1109, after the birth of three daughters born Dom Afonso Henriques (the first king of Portugal), Afonso
Named in honor of his grandfather Alfonso VI of Leon and Henriques mean "son of Henrique" .

Parents of Afonso Henriques, although they directed the "Terra Portucalense" with enough autonomy, have never charged for acts of insubordination or revolt against Alfonso VI, they always took decisions with agreement of the latter.

In 1109, Afonso VI was the great unifier of northern peninsular kingdoms, emperor of Leon, Castile and Galicia (including Terra Portucalense).

1112, death of Count Henrique of Burgundy, Teresa takes over and manages only the "Terra Portucalense.

1125, Dom Afonso Henriques Knight arming himself in the cathedral of Zamora (Spain).

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1126, the beginning of the reign of Alfonso VII of Castile and Leon, direct cousin of Afonso Henriques.

1127, feeling the hot soup, Afonso VII besieged Guimaraes (Afonso Henriques hometown) so that his cousin testified that he is still his vassal, and must always be submitted to him (Ha Ha HA!), what the right arm of Afonso Henriques promises! (Yes, what fish!), So by diplomacy a stinging defeat is avoided.

1128, Battle of Sao Mamede, south of Guimaraes, the first time that Afonso Henriques is the head of his army, he was 18, first movement of revolt against his own mother, whom he brilliantly defeated. It becomes, having defeated his mother and the leader of men "condade Portucalense. Among the nobles who were with him in the first significant victory, he There were several Da Silva, who now only wanted one thing, the independence of Portugal!! Afonso Henriques, had put his mother in prison.

1131, Coimbra became the new capital, according to Guimaraes.

1131/1140, five attempts to invade the north of Galicia, without success.

1137, Afonso Henriques sign the pact with Tui Afonso VII, basically, the two should no longer attempt to invade the lands of the other (hahahaha!)

1139, famous battle of Ourique, Afonso Henriques after several attempts to the north, is now looking to conquer the south, was a legendary battle, according to several historians, our king fought against 5 kings Moors, a battle of 40,000 men, even the morning of the battle, Christ appeared to be Afonso Henriques and promised him victory against the infidels if he put his cross on his shield, (the blue crowns on our national flag). Finally it was a decisive victory of the Portuguese side. Following this battle, from 1140 Afonso Henriques began to use the title King of Portugal.

1142, attempted unsuccessfully to conquer Lisbon.
(Lisbon, a city that batit Odysseus himself! Hence the ancient name of ULYSIPO = = Lissabon Lisbon)

1143, conference of Zamora, or the Afonso Henriques Afonso VII recognizes as king, although he still does not recognize the independence of Portugal. That same year, Afonso Henriques sends a letter to the Pope confirming that became his vassal, and he will give each year an amount of gold against its protection and bénédiction.Le Pope replied in 1144, accepting gold and become his vassal, while avoiding to confirm its independence. (not the crazy pope, he did not want to antagonize Afonso VII, which also paid tribute in gold!)

1147 Finally the conquest Lisbonne.Le siege lasted six months and thanks to the help of the Crusaders who passed through, Afonso Henriques conquered definitively what would become the capital of Portugal, for help against the Crusaders had a chance of huge cost in gold and land but it was the price!

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1156, Afonso VII (who died in 1157) treated as equals with Afonso Henriques.

1158-1167 Afonso Henriques continues to conquer the land southward.

1169, Loss of Badajoz (Spain, criss he could not stay home!) Grosse defeat the cons English troops of Fernando II, who took him prisoner Afonso Henriques, her own stepfather, being married to his fille.Mais, some say, by lack of balls or love for his wife, Fernando Henriques Afonso II freed from prison. In this battle, Portugal could have simply return to being a mere province English (EURK!) And the beautiful dream of independence s'aurait finished! Even today many historians accuse Spaniards Don fernandoi its greatest weakness! (I like that hurts!)

This was the last battle of Afonso Henriques, at age 60 he became disabled because he was wounded in addition to his horse which fell above also result in an injury, his leg was broken in several places.

After this crushing defeat, Afonso Henriques forsworn the English conquered the land, in addition to pay 15 mules loaded with gold and give 20 of his best horses, but it was little compared to our independence was preserved and still continues 837 years later!

1170, Afonso Henriques knighted his son Don Sancho, who became the 2nd king of Portugal (who finally conquered the south of Portugal, Algarve)

1171 attempt to conquer Santarem by the Saracens, which fails.

1178 Papal Bull, "manifests probatum, which finally recognized the independence of the Kingdom of Portugal!

1179 will of Afonso Henriques, leaving mostly a lot of gold for the construction of monasteries and religious centers for culture and the construction of a fleet to defend the coasts of the young kingdom.

1185 Death of Afonso Henriques 1, December 6, Coimbra where he is buried in the Church of Santa Cruz with his wife, Queen Mafalda, in front of them, their son, Don Sancho, who assured the continuity of the kingdom and transmitted to future generations the work policy than initiate his father.

text translated and annotated by Jean-Paul Da Silva, this Monday, August 21, 2006

Bibliography: Biography of Afonso Henriques, Diogo Freitas do Amaral

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